Levi imagine for Alexis

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You and your friend were going to meet her boyfriend Drew and his friend Levi. You always loved going along to meet the boys, as you had a small crush on Levi. Whilst your friend and Drew were cuddling, you and Levi usually sat and chatted together. As you arrived, you saw the boys waiting for you outside Starbucks, and you couldn't stop a huge grin spreading across your face. Drew ran up to your friend and gave her a big hug, and surprisingly, Levi came and hugged you. You hugged back, smiling as you did so.

Soon enough, your friend and Drew went off together, and left you and Levi to look around the shops. You were happy, as you and Levi were becoming really close friends. You then felt Levi reach out for your hand, so you held his in return. You strolled through the shops happily, when Levi turned to face you.
"Look, Alexis. I've loved you for a while now, and, to be honest, I think I always will. I don't wanna ruin our friendship, though." You felt your cheeks go bright red and you turned to look at the floor.
"Levi, I feel the same, I was just too nervous to say it to you. It'd be cute, though - we could double date with the others!" You both smiled at each other, and then, before you knew it, you were lost in a kiss with Levi.

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