#13 - Song quotes - Another World, The Vamps

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Nate -
We just lay awake, but tell me now was that just one big, stupid mistake?

You and Nate had had a massive argument earlier that day, and now it was 1am and you two still hadn't made up.
"Night," you muttered, flicking the light next to you off and lying still.
"Night," your boyfriend replied unenthusiastically. You wanted to sleep but you couldn't. Memories of the argument kept replaying over and over in your head, preventing you from sleeping. You heard Nate sigh beside you and turn onto his side.
"What," he muttered.
"...I'm sorry." The room fell silent once again for a moment, then you heard him turn back to face you.
"No, Y/N, I'm sorry. And I love you. I love you so much." You smiled into the darkness as you kissed Nate's cheek lightly, then he kissed you gently on the lips as you both slowly fell asleep.

Drew -
In Another World, stars would light the way for just the two of us.

Recently, you and Drew had been receiving a lot of hate from Tiders who weren't too happy about your relationship together. Drew knew how badly it was affecting you, but he just didn't know how to make you feel better.
"I love you, Y/N," he said, running his fingers gently through your hair as you scrolled through hate on Twitter.
"I love you too, Drew,"
"Hey." He said, taking your phone from your grasp and switching the screen off. "Forget about hate." You peered up at him.
"Why don't they like me, Drew?" You asked, tears filling your eyes.
"They don't, baby. It's just gonna take a bit of time, that's all. In our own little world, everyone accepts us being together. Besides, most if the fandom fully support us being together. Everyone will eventually. Well, I say everyone - there's always gonna be one or two that don't. But they only don't support it because they don't want either of us to get hurt, they don't hate you - how could anyone hate someone as lovely as you?" He smiled, kissing your forehead.
"Drew Dirksen, I love you so much."

Levi -

I close my eyes, and you are here with me tonight.

Your boyfriend Levi had been on tour for one month, and your heart felt as if it had completely disappeared. He didn't have much time to speak, and when he did, it just made you miss him more.

It was 2am, and you were still awake, thinking about Levi. You wanted to talk to him, but you couldn't; he'd be asleep, and you didn't want to wake him because he was always so busy and just needed as much rest as he could possibly get. Tears pricked your eyes as you faintly saw your phone flash in the corner of your eye. You picked it up, seeing One new text - Levi'<3 appear across your screen. You grinned, then opened it.
Hey baby, I know you're probably asleep right now, but I just wanna let you know that I love you! I mayyyy pay a quick visit home this weekend - what you think? I love youuuuuu xxxx

Your face lit up with a smile, then you responded eagerly.

Austin -
People like to talk, but I can't understand a word.

You and Austin had recently broken up, due to your college work and Austin's music career. You were scared your relation was holding him back from living the experience to the full, so decided on leaving the relationship for a while.

You arrived home after college at 5pm, then flung your schoolbag down onto the sofa and flopped down next to it, flicking through the channels on the TV. You suddenly saw a familiar face flash up on the screen infront of you, then stopped. It was Austin, and he was doing an interview with the other Tide boys. You felt so happy for them. Of course, you still loved Austin and always will, but you just knew that letting him go was the best thing for both of you right now. You smiled at the screen as the interviewer continued to ask them various questions, then he asked an awkward one.
"Are any of you in relationships at the moment?" You saw Austin's expression drop as he tried awkwardly to reply.
"Austin's recently been through a breakup, actually. He's finding it a bit hard, as he still loves her a lot." Austin's bandmate Levi confessed.
"Yeah, I do. She was my everything. We're still friends, and she's a lovely girl - I just miss her." You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and dialled in Austin's number, then he picked up.
"Y/N, I'm in an interview right now. I can't talk!"
"That's her!" Nate smiled at the camera.
"I know you are, Austin. I heard what you said. Look, if you really don't think I'm holding you back then of course we can give it another shot." The boys and the interviewer cheered, and you gave out a little chuckle.
"Yes, Y/N! Thankyou so much. Of course yours not holding me back, you're my everything and I love you so, so much."

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