More Than the Cut

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Summary: Normally, surprising your boyfriend with lingerie is an idea that could hardly go wrong. Unless of course, you're dating Peter Parker...

Author: amongthestars89 (on ao3)

Andrew Garfield


The day Peter had told you he was Spider-Man, you had expected there to be a drastic change in your relationship.

After all, you had little experience in dating genetically altered crime-fighting vigilantes who swung around in spandex. To your relief however, things seemed to have hardly changed at all. Sure, the matter of scheduling was still an issue (albeit easier to explain now that you knew why he was always disappearing out of nowhere) but on a fundamental basis, he was still the same old Peter. Loyal, kind, brave and so incredibly dorky...

As most relationships that began at the end of high school leading into college, your shared experience in regards to intimacy was limited. Present and developing, but limited nonetheless. That was why you supposed you were so pleased with the plan you had crafted on this particular night. Standing in front of your full-length mirror, you looked over yourself once more, the intricate designs of the lace seeming to hug your frame perfectly. It was your favorite color - tailored almost to resemble a corset with sheer side panels and matching garters to complete the whole look.

You wish you could say the idea to purchase ridiculously indulgent lingerie in order to seduce your boyfriend was one born of sexual empowerment but alas, it hadn't been. On a night prior to Peter telling you about his secret double life, you'd had some time to yourself. Missing him and feeling increasingly insecure as you tried to block out the sound of your roommate 'entertaining' someone in the other room, you turned to the internet for help. Always a great plan.

Soon you were caught in a web of numbered lists informing you of all the many different ways to get a guy's attention, each varying in how helpful they truly were. There was one piece of advice that was repeated more than anything else. Surprise him. You thought it over a moment. Well, you could certainly try.

Then, you suppose it was just your luck that on the day your surprise arrived, Peter finally cracked. You could remember the split second where you remembered to push the box under your bed where he couldn't see, the weight of your shock nearly making you forget altogether. You'd decided later that you could still use it but maybe at a time where there were less earth-shattering secrets being revealed.

Tonight was that night.

With one last glance at your reflection, you grinned. Peter wasn't gonna know what hit him.

Grabbing the black silk robe you'd purchased in tandem to the new set, you quickly threw it on and tied it so nothing showed underneath. Just one more element to your surprise.

Entering your living room, you took a seat facing the window Peter most liked to come in through and picked up a random book from the coffee table. If you had timed this right, he should be there in just a few minutes. After a short period of time where you oscillated from frantically checking yourself in the mirror to rushing back into place, the familiar sound of a landing on your fire escape alerted you to his arrival. As he bowed his head to enter, you had to hold the book up to cover the grin that threatened to give away your surprise completely.

"Oh...hey." said Peter after a moment, clearly not expecting to see you sitting there.

"Hey." you returned with a smile, deciding to play it cool.

"Were you waiting for me?" he asked as he set down his mask, sounding flattered at the idea.

"Maybe." you answered coyly, giving a little shrug. With one look, you were both already on the same page. An excited smile broke out over your face, ever pleased at the speed with which you could read one another.

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