"Zassia and Grath were both exhausted after helping me escape so I let them sleep in their own respective rooms, so don't bother them." Gatria said and motioned her hand at the bed where Sollel silently sat.

"I know you're thinking that I'm bad for stopping you from being with that warlord, but," Gatria sat on the bed beside Sollel and held Sollel's hand. "It's not that I'm against your relationship with him, I just want you to be fully sure of his character and intention before you become intimate with him. I've already been in your shoes, Sollel, and I regretted my actions greatly. I'm only looking out for you."

"I know..." Sollel replied and smiled.

Gatria smiled at Sollel before she gathered Sollel in her arms. "I'm happy to see you again, Sollel. It's been so long. Thank you for getting me out of there. Zassia and Grath told me about your travels. I can't thank you enough." Gatria hugged Sollel tightly when she remembered her guilt and resentment. Sollel, it's not your fault. It's their fault for betraying us. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? So don't blame yourself."

Sollel nodded and hugged Gatria back before she rested her head on Gatria's shoulder, feeling Gatria's warmth. "I missed you."

That put a warm smile on Gatria's lips. "I missed you too, Sollel. I missed everyone."

Sollel smiled when she smelled Gatria's familiar scent. "You still smell like freshly bloom flower."

"And you smell like burnt ashes," Gatria joked and flicked Sollel's ears. "Take a bath and then rest. We will talk tomorrow."

Sollel nodded obediently. "I will. I only used a little bit of my strength, but I'm indeed a bit tired. I think my body is still not used to taxing activities."

If Gatria would dissect Sollel's words, she would know that Sollel was not really telling the truth and just acting obediently. But when it comes to Sollel and Aenwyn, Gatria had always been soft when they act obedient and docile.

"I'll bet you're tired." Gatria smiled while combing Sollel's bright red hair. "I saw the hell you raze in that city. They deserved it."

Sollel match Gatria's smile. "Did you like it?"

Gatria nodded. "Very. Though I think you still showed mercy to those humans."

Sollel lost her smile. "I hate them. I really hate them so much. I know they showed no mercy on our people, but thinking that my flames would kill a child, even if it was human, it hurts, Gatria." Sollel played with the flower vine on Gatria's wrist. "I want revenge, I want to destroy them all, but killing children didn't sit well with me even how much I steeled myself... I'm not that heartless after all."

"Because you're not like them, Sollel." Gatria could feel Sollel's pain. "You have always been soft to humans. You adored them. You played with their children. I don't like that you showed them mercy, but I am not going to force you to do a thing that will hurt you."

If you couldn't, I will. Gatria thought as she sees Sollel struggle and hesitate. "But to me, I have no mercy for them. Those children will grow up just like them— greedy and selfish. They're destroying Azitera as we speak because of their greediness. Cutting the trees, destroying the forests, poisoning the water sources with their filth, polluting the air. If left to their own devices, they will kill Azitera and I can't allow that. They are not the only race in this world. Wiping them off Azitera will do everyone good and that is our responsibility, Sollel."

Sollel nodded. "I know."

"Keep in mind, Sollel, that compassion to your enemies is cruelty to yourself."

Sollel nodded earnestly at Gatria.

Gatria took a deep breath and cupped Sollel's face for their eyes to meet. "You may be the Queen of destruction, the terrifying Mistress of Flame, but really, you are the kindest of us four. You're carefree, caring, and loving, and because of that, I want to protect you."

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