Chapter 21

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ELENA, YOU NEED to go to bed early,” Becky mumbled with a toothbrush still in her mouth. “We have loads to do tomorrow.”

“I’ve already made plans.” I made my way across the room.


“Elena, we're going to watch Doubt of Fire.” Sammy's voice came drifting from the couch.

“I didn't know that you wanted me to come with you guys.” A feeling of regret that I’d already said yes to Cheng emerged in my gut.

“Did you think we were just going to leave you here?” Becky said, and the way her eyes widened and her mouth partially parted told me that she wasn’t happy about what I’d assumed.

“I don't know? Sorry.”

“Can you call it off?” Sammy suggested hopefully.

I shook my head.

“Why not?”

“Cheng already asked me on Tuesday, and I didn't know if Lucian was going to come with you guys or not, so I said yes.”

“Does Lucian know?” Becky asked.

“I'm going to tell him before he leaves─ which reminds me, I have to go. I just came by to drop off my bag,” I said quickly as I made a dash for the door.

If they wanted me to come they should have opened their mouths and not left it till the last minute. I left the room and went looking for Lucian. I found him sitting at one of the tables outside talking to a redhead I'd never seen before.

My arm curled around his waist as I slid next to him. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, see you later, Tom,” he said, and we got up and started to walk to the lake. “I wish I could stay this weekend. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?” He was still trying to convince me to come with him to the party.

“As tempting as that sounds, I'm so not ready to meet the King and Queen of Tith yet.”

“You scared?” he teased, tugging on a strand of my hair playfully.

“Yes. For all I know, they hang commoners just for thinking about speaking to the Prince.”

He chuckled and swung me around for a kiss. “Then, my dear lady, I will just have to save you. Will you meet me tomorrow?”

I cringed, knowing he was not going to be happy with my new change of plans. “About that. Cheng asked me to go with him to the museum for strictly educational purposes.” I said the last part slowly so that he would understand it was not a date.

“Just as long as you promise me that I don't have to kill a dragon one day because he stole my lady,” he said, looking deeply into my eyes.

“Please Lucian, Cheng doesn't have anywhere near your charisma or charm,” I told him, giving him a squeeze so he knew I meant it.

“I could get used to this kind of flattery,” he said, and our lips met again. The warm kiss felt good, and I didn't want him to stop. These feelings he stirred up inside me scared the living crap out of me. I didn't know what I was going to do if he ever told me we were finished.

“You can go, but on one condition,’ he said, with a smile that told me he was busy conjuring a plan that might get us in trouble.

“Which is?”

“Sunday, you're mine.” I didn't reply, too scared that it would involve his parents.

He must have sensed my nervousness, because he said, “Don't worry? It won't be near the castle. I just want to spend some time with you.”

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