Chapter 9

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THE NEXT DAY I had the pleasure of discovering just how much Becky loved her alarm clock. She hit the snooze button at least a million times until it fell off the nightstand and crashed to the floor.

Sammy jumped on Becky. "Wake up sleepy head, or else we're leaving without you!"

Becky growled, but reluctantly got out of bed. I laughed as she struggled to wake up even as we were leaving our room.

We found Master Longwei at the main entrance and came to a silent halt. He was busy unlocking the gate and didn't notice our arrival.

The gate I love and hate all at the same time.

"He really needs help with his fashion choices. Those ankle shorts are so last season. Not to mention his ancient Hawaiian shirt," Becky said, critically as if she was the fifth member of Fashion Police.

"It's not so bad," Sammy said.

Becky rolled her eyes. "Sammy, no offense, but if I didn't tell you what to wear every day, you'd be dressed like a circus clown."

"My choices aren't that bad, I just love color."

I smiled, feeling at home with these girls. Dad jumped into my mind again, and a lump rose in my throat as I thought about how many of their mannerisms aligned with his.

"Good morning girls." Master Longwei greeted us as he swung the gate open and turned to face us. "How did your first day go, Elena?"

"Well, I'm still alive." I swallowed hard, and tried to hide my fear of heights behind a shaky smile. I looked around and found the sky and clouds where buildings and trees should've been.

"I heard about George. I'm deeply sorry about his behavior and I assure you it will never happen again."

"No hassle." I waved in the air, hoping to change the subject. "Why didn't you tell me you're a dragon?"

The expression on his face told me he hadn't expected that question. "I should have known Becky would enlighten you as to what I am."

"See it as a little payback. Do you have any idea how hard we had to work to keep Elena from running away?" Becky chirped.

We all laughed.

"Are you comfortable with having a dragon for a head master?" he asked hesitantly.

"It's okay. If it's not too personal, can I ask you another question? How old are you?"

He grinned. "I'm scared you'll run away screaming. But Elm with all the historic buildings and museums is a good place to stumble onto something like that."

"Screaming my head off while running away is so yesterday's news," I said, injecting more confidence into my voice than I felt.

He chuckled and watched me carefully as he spoke. "I will be celebrating my four thousand, three hundred, and sixteenth birthday next month."

To my surprise, running for the hills didn't pop into my head. I guess the girls' crash course had worked.

"That young?" A smile turned up the corners of my mouth.

My smile soon vanished however, as I remembered why he was unlocking the gate. My heart started to thump inside my throat and my knees trembled softly as the edge, just a couple of feet past the gate, caught my eye.

"Close your eyes, Elena," he said.

I did as he told me and an image of him transforming into a dragon flashed into my mind.

My eyes flew open when my feet bumped against a small step.

"You are such a wuss," Becky said, already in her seat.

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