Chapter 5

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CAREFULLY, I RELEASED my lower lip when I realized I was chewing on it.

The mysterious guy looked up, spoke to the guy opposite him and then smiled. My heart skipped a beat. He had the same smile as Dad; a smile that lit up his face and reached all the way to his eyes, creating vertical dimples in his cheeks. The smile I loved and missed so much. His peacock blue eyes made me feel as if I was falling straight into a rabbit hole─ one that I could never find my way out of, not that I would want to.

Suddenly, a middle finger jumped right in front of his face, blocking my view. It belonged to a girl with short snow-white hair. She was a stunner with light blue eyes and a long oval face. It was no miracle how they had ended up together.

Becky laughed as she saw who I was staring at. "Don't pay her any attention, she's a bitch. You're not the only one who stares at him with googly eyes and a drooling mouth."

"Who's he?"

"His name is Blake Leaf." She let out a small lustful sigh. "He's verautiful, but such a dick." She started picking at her vegetables again.


"Combination of very and beautiful."

I giggled.

"The bitchy girl is Tabitha. She's always had a thing for Blake. I'm still not sure if they're an item or not. Blake has this phobia of being spoken for," she explained.

"He doesn't want a girlfriend?" I asked, stunned.

She shrugged. "Something like that."

I looked up at the sky once more. I must have done it a million times today and saw Becky following my gaze.

"Elena, what is with you? Why do you keep looking up at the sky?"

"It's stupid, you'll laugh." I nervously tried to make her drop the subject.

"I might, but I can't help it. You're hilarious."

"I keep waiting to see ... a dragon."

She looked at me with a raised eyebrow as if I was crazy.

"Forget it," I said when an extremely loud laugh pierced my ears. I glanced over my shoulder. A girl with long auburn hair and hazelnut eyes plummeted onto the seat right next to me. "She's hilarious!"

"I know, right?" Becky said, in an agreeing tone.

I wished for the earth to open up and swallow me whole.

"How many times has she looked up today?"

"Like a million."

I felt stupid as they made jokes.

"Elena, this is Sammy." Becky introduced me to the girl.

"Short for Samantha." She reached out her hand for a shake. "I'm one of the roomies." She was a tiny little thing, even more petite than I was and her dimples were definitely her main attraction.

I took her hand and shook it gently.

"She really doesn't know?"

"I don't think so. Master Longwei asked me to give her the crash course."

"May I?" she pleaded.

Becky nodded and looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" My heart thumped painfully. The last time I felt like this, Dad had transformed into a dragon.

"Relax, Elena. Sammy just wants to introduce you to a dragon."

"A dragon? Where?" I yelled and everyone outside fell into an utter silence. This was so not cool. A couple of students laughed, while others shook their heads in disgust. I covered my face with my palms. In one millisecond I had killed the only chance of ever finding a social life.

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