Chapter 14

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TODAY WAS A nightmare. With Becky still stuck in the infirmary, classes were ten times worse. I never realized how vital her quick explanations about foreign words were to keep me on track.

In Art of War, Professor Mia gave me Colin, Becky's old sparring partner, to fight against. I was less than thrilled. He was brutal, and I saw my ass a million times in the first half hour. My arms were covered with bruises and scrapes that burned like hell and it looked as if I had fought an entire army.

Every single muscle ached and felt drained.

To make things worse, Lucian was nowhere to be found. Arianna made me feel so insecure, and I hoped with all my heart that she hadn’t gotten to him too. I knew I should have stopped seeing him, but it was too late. My feelings for him had grown overnight, and I didn't know how I would possibly cope without him. I became worried, and I knew something was wrong during lunchtime when he was still MIA.

After class, I fell on my bed, completely defeated. When I woke up, Becky sat on her bed chatting with Sammy. The bruises around her eyes were completely gone, and she appeared to be fine.

“What's up, girl, did you miss me?” She grabbed her side when she moved too fast trying to get up off the bed.

“Don't, just take it easy.” Sammy helped Becky onto her feet.

“Can we go to dinner now?” Becky said excitedly.

“You sure you are up for it? We can bring you something back,” Sammy said, concerned.

“No, Constance said the faster I get on my feet, the better.”

In the cafeteria, everyone was congratulating her. She really loved all the attention, and I just shook my head. Lucian was still nowhere to be found, and by now, I was really worried.

We went to bed around ten, after Becky told us all about the fight from her point of view. I was glued to her lips as she told me the minute the scene changed, the entire crowd disappeared. It was only her and George somewhere in the dessert.

On Monday morning, we woke up an hour earlier to give us plenty of time to help Becky get ready too. I was worried about Lucian, but kept it to myself.

“Are you sure you are ready for classes?” Sammy asked. She reminded me of a mother hen, the way she fussed over Becky.

“I better be otherwise George will get a lightning bolt against the head.”

We laughed. It took a long time to dress her, leaving us less time than usual to get ready. Sammy took a shower, while I brushed my hair and tied it up in a smooth ponytail.

“So, how are things going with you and Lucian?” she asked quietly.

“I don't know, Becky,” I said honestly.


“I didn’t see him yesterday at all. He’s clearly ignoring me. What if Arianna got through to him?” My eyes started to sting. I couldn't imagine myself without him.

“He is probably just doing the gentlemanly thing by giving you some space.”

Maybe she was right. I would give it time. The bell rang loudly as Sammy emerged from the bathroom.

“Ah crap, I'm starving,” Sammy complained.

“Before you know it, it will be lunch,” Becky said, trying to console her.

I didn't care about food at that moment. I was just glad that Becky had come back. We both helped her down the stairs.

“Shoot!” Becky said.

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