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~ 4 months later

Ally woke up with sharp pains in her stomach. She shouted- alarming Bucky. He sat up and crawled over to her. "Hey- hey- what's wrong? What's happening?" He muttered, hesitantly holding her. Ally groaned in pain. "I- I think it's time!" She blurted. Bucky's eyes widened. "Shit- let me grab our stuff." He quickly got off of their bed and swiftly put on shoes and a hoodie. Bucky grabbed a full duffle bag with their belongings and baby accessories. He tossed the bag over her shoulder and put his navy blue hoodie over Ally. "I got you, doll. I got you." He whispered, kissing her head. Bucky helped her stand up, "Let me call Steve." He panted. Bucky grabbed his phone out of his pocket and pressed on Steve's contact.

"Hello, Bucky? It's three a.m." Steve yawned.

"Ally's having contractions- we're heading to the hospital right now. I think Becca's going to be here soon." Bucky opened the door for her. Steve muttered over the phone.

"Holy sh- really? Alright, I'll- I'll come over and help you." Steve whispered. Bucky smiled. "Thank you, we're leaving our room right now." Bucky explained. "I'll be there soon." Steve said, hanging up. Bucky put his phone back in his pocket- holding Ally's hands as they made their way down the hall. "I got you, doll- we're going to go to the hospital." He whispered. Ally shook her head frantically. "No! No- no, I can't. I can't go." She muttered. Bucky put his arm around her, holding her up better. "I'm- I'm scared." Her voice broke. Tears fell down her cheek. "I'm not ready yet." Ally's knees started to give out. "Ally- please, we need to go to the hospital." He kissed her head. Steve jogged down the hall, meeting up with the two. He wrapped his arms on the other side of Ally. "What's happening?" Steve asked quietly. "She's scared." He whispered. Ally kept crying quietly. Steve looked down at her. "Al- come on, we need to get you in a safe place. Becca's going to be here soon, and when she gets here it's all going to be worth it. Please- we need to leave, now." Steve whispered.

Ally looked up at him. She sniffed and stood up. Bucky smiled. "That's it doll- let's get going." He said. The three made their way to the garage, getting into Bucky's car. Steve hopped in the driver's seat and started driving. Bucky comforted Ally in the back seat- playing with her hair gently. "You're doing so good, Al." He whispered. The contractions stopped and Ally finally relaxed. Bucky looked down at her. "Are you okay, doll?" Bucky asked softly. Ally was lying her head on his shoulder. She shrugged. He kissed her head. "Our little girl should be here soon." He smiled. Ally nodded softly. Steve looked at them through the rear view mirror. "We should be at the hospital soon- maybe five minutes or so." He said softly. Ally squeezed Bucky's arm. "I don't want to go in." She murmured. He furrowed his brows. "Are you still scared?" He asked softly. She nodded, burying her face in his shoulder. "There's nothing to be scared about, I'll be there with you every second of every hour with you." He smiled. Ally looked up at him.

"It's not giving birth that's scaring me- it's all the needles and white coats, it's- it's like Hydra is back. . .and they're coming for me again." She muttered. Bucky shuddered at the memory. He rubbed her arm gently. "We defeated Hydra- they're all gone now. I won't let anyone hurt you again, I promise." He sighed. Ally looked up at him. "But what about Grumpy?" She shuddered. Bucky's eyes widened slightly. He had forgotten all about him. The car stopped and Steve turned off the car. "Alright- we're here." He unbuckled himself and got out of the car. Ally sat up and Bucky assisted Ally as he helped her out of the car.

~ 20 minutes later

Ally sat on her hospital bed, playing with her blanket. Bucky sat on a chair beside her and Steve was asleep on the couch in the corner of her room. "They're going to give me the epidural in ten minutes." Ally sighed. "The needle is almost four inches long." She exhaled an uneven breath. Bucky grabbed her hand and leaned in closer to her. "Hey, there's nothing to worry about doll- I'll be by your side the whole time. Grumpy isn't here, I promise. I'm going to keep you safe." He smiled. Ally looked over at him. She sighed softly. "How can you be so sure?" She whispered. Bucky held her hand tighter. "Just trust me on this." He whispered. Ally sucked on her bottom lip and Bucky kissed her hand. A person knocked on the door and walked in. "Hello- I'm Dr. Leonard Rye." The man smiled. He shook Ally and Bucky's hand. Ally breathed heavily, shaking her head. "I'm here to put in your epidural and get you all prepped for you to give birth." Dr. Rye washed his hands quickly in the sink in her room.

"Bucky- I'm not ready." Ally whispered shallowly. He watched as Dr. Rye got the epidural prepared with the necessary numbing fluid. "I know a lot of women get scared or stressed about the needle- but I promise you I know what I'm doing. I've been in the medical field for well over twelve years." He turned to them, smiling. Ally shuddered. He walked over to the two and had Ally hold an extra pillow. "You won't feel much pain- it'll be over before you know it. After I'm done with the epidural, you need to stay still for 15-20 minutes so it can set it." He smiled. Ally shook her head as Dr. Rye started to pinpoint where he should import the needle. Bucky grabbed Ally's hand with both hands, holding her tightly. "It's alright, sweetheart- it's alright. I'm going to be here with you." He kissed her hand softly. "The needle is going in, three. . .two. . ." He slid the needle gently into her back. "Holy-" Ally groaned. She felt a stinging and a slight pinch in her back. He pulled the needle out. "It's all done- good job." The doctor smiled.

Ally stayed still like the doctor had instructed her to do.

~ 8 hours of labor later

With one final push- a baby crying filled the silence of the room. Ally laid back, breathing heaving. Bucky watched as the Dr. Rye slowly stood up, holding Rebecca. Bucky started to tear up as he watched the nurses take Rebecca to get cleaned off.

Rebecca was born; August 7th, at 11:54 a.m.

Bucky leaned over to Ally and kissed her head. "She's here doll- Rebecca is here, our little baby girl." He cried softly. Ally panted, wiping off the sweat off her face with her hand. Bucky grabbed an extra towel and helped her. The nurses brought out Rebecca and gently handed her to Ally. "Congratulations! She is six pounds- ten ounces, and eighteen inches long." The nurse smiled. Ally nodded. "Sh- she's so beautiful. . .and perfect." She sighed happily. The nurse walked away, leaving Ally and Bucky with their newborn. Ally kissed Rebecca's head softly. Bucky wiped his eyes. "She has your nose." Bucky chuckled quietly. She nodded. Ally gently ran her finger across her rosey cheek. "I can't believe she's here." Ally smiled. Bucky kissed Rebecca's head softly. He smiled. "Our little angel." Ally sighed softly.

This was the moment he had longed for.

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