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Ally paced around her room. "Relax, Al. Everyone gets nervous." Nat chuckled. Ally stopped and looked at her. "I'm not nervous. . .I'm terrified." Ally said shallowly. Nat scoffed. "Same thing. Listen, I've gone over everything. I've made sure nothing will ruin Bucky and your's day." She smiled. Ally walked over to her bed and sat down. She buried her head in her hands and sighed. "How do you know? How do you know if they're the right one?" Ally muttered. Natasha came and sat beside her. "Trust me, Bucky's the one. He's literally your soulmate! Do you remember that proposal?! I cried! Steve's wasn't that romantic. It was kind of disappointing, not going to lie." Nat chuckled.

Ally sat up and looked over at Nat. "I remember the proposal," she smiled. "It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard." Ally looked down at her hands as they fought with each other. Anxiety and fear raced through Ally's veins. But, she hid the anxiety well. "I just can't believe the day has already arrived. It seems like yesterday we got saved from Pierce." Ally shuddered at the thought of him. Luckily, he was dead and long gone. . . and so was Lorna. Ally sighed softly. The door to Ally's room opened. Wanda walked in. Ally looked up at her, so did Nat. "Hey Wanda." Ally smiled. "Hi! Got cold feet?" Wanda giggled quietly. She sat on the other side of Ally. "Oh you have no idea." Ally scoffed. Wanda held up her left hand. She shook her ring finger. "I think I do. I was crazy nervous about mine. But, once I first got in the aisle and I saw Vis standing there waiting for me, I was calm and happy. Nothing else mattered, I was so excited to be able to spend the rest of my life with him." Wanda smiled.

Ally nodded. "You two are the real soulmates here." She scoffed. Wanda nodded. "Thank you, Al." Wanda held Ally's hand. She turned to Wanda. "You'll be just fine, trust me. There's nothing more amazing than walking down the aisle and seeing the love of your life." She smiled. Ally slightly grinned. "I am excited, I just feel like something's going to wrong last minute and ruin the whole wedding." Ally whispered. Wanda shook her head. "Natasha and I have made sure nothing will ruin the wedding. Nothing at all." She smiled, and Nat nodded. Ally sighed quietly. "All right, I trust you guys enough that nothing bad will happen," Ally looked at both of them. "Thank you guys so much for helping with the wedding." She smiled. Nat and Wanda nodded. "We're more than happy to help you." Natasha said. Ally smiled. "Well, let's get ready. My dress and shoes are in my closet, and my makeup and hair stuff are in my bathroom." Ally stood up. She walked into her bathroom and played with her hair. "I hate this long hair." Ally rolled her eyes. Nat smirked.

Nat was her maid of honor, and Wanda was her bridesmaid. Wanda got her dress and set it neatly on her bed. She walked into the bathroom. "What's going on in here?" She smiled. Ally grinned. "Oh no." Wanda sighed. Nat scoffed and looked over at her. "Stay out of my head." Nat rolled her eyes.


"You ready, Buck?" Steve walked into his room. Bucky shook his head. "I don't know. . .I feel like this stupid thing will hurt her." Bucky shook his metal arm. He always thought of it as a weapon. Steve sat beside him. "You're controlling it, you won't hurt her. She'll be fine." He smiled. Bucky shook his head. Steve nodded. "I can't." Bucky sighed. He stood up and walked into his bathroom. Steve followed. "You can't what? You can't believe you're getting married, or you can't believe the thought of your arm not hurting Ally?" Steve scoffed. Bucky looked at himself in the mirror. "All of it." He whispered. Steve put his arm around his shoulder. "You'll be fine, Buck. Believe me, you'll be just fine." Steve smiled in the mirror. Bucky scoffed. "You have a dorky smile." He said. Steve turned to Bucky and sighed. "That's rude! You have dorky, long hair!" Steve teased. Bucky faced him. He nodded. "You're right."

"I- I am?" Steve stuttered.

"Yes you are."

"So, what are you saying?" He asked.

Bucky smirked. Steve sighed quietly. "You're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?" Bucky nodded slowly. "Yes, yes I am."

"Buck, you're getting married tomorrow morning! Why would you do that now?!" Steve groaned. "Because I can!" Bucky argued. Steve rolled his eyes.

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