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^^ this picture has NOTHING to do with this chapter but he just looked sooo cute!! Also, I lowkey love this haircut.


Ally scoffed. "Excuse me? The electricity is coming from me?" Ally sat down on a nearby chair. Bruce nodded. She sighed heavily. "How could I get electrical powers?" Ally whispered to herself, looking down at the floor. "Was there anything or any experiments at Hydra that maybe involved electricity?" Bruce asked. Then it hit her. April 7th, 2014. "Holy shit." She muttered. Bruce furrowed his eyebrows. Ally looked over at him. "I need to talk to Bucky." She said quickly. Ally put the paper on his desk and rushed to her beloved husband. Ally squatted down infront of him. "Do you remember April 7th, 2014?" She asked softly. He nodded. "Of course, it was the day I realized I liked you. Why?" He whispered. "And you remember what they did to me, right?" She asked. "Yeah. . .they took you to their lab and you came back hours later unconscious." Bucky explained. Ally nodded. "What did they do to you in there, Al?" He asked quietly. Ally sighed. "They tested on me. . .a lot, and with different electrical sources." She said breathlessly. Bucky raised his head.

"They tested on you with fucking electricity?! Those bastards!" Bucky shouted. Ally nodded. Bucky put his hands down beside him and tried to get up. He yelled in pain and fell down. "Hey, d- don't get up. You need to relax." She said soothingly. He groaned and looked up at her. "They fucking tested with electricity on my girl?" He muttered to himself. "Did they do that to anyone else?" He asked. Ally shook her head. "Only me." She whispered. "I'm going to fucking kill them." Bucky growled. Ally shook her head quickly. "No! No, calm down. Take a deep breath. Hydra is all gone, we took it down. They're gone." Ally said softly. Bucky breathed heavily. "I can't believe they did that to you. You should've told me." He hissed. "No, because if I did you would've tried to fight them and Peirce would've killed you! I- I couldn't let them kill you. I couldn't lose you." Ally whispered. Bucky licked his lips. "Doll. . .I couldn't leave you even if I tried. I sure as hell wouldn't let them take you away from me." Bucky smiled reassuringly. Ally smiled back, wanting to kiss him, but too afraid to try.

She sucked on her bottom lip. "I'll see you later okay? I'll grab your meds and I'll let you rest." She said softly. Bucky grinned softly. "Okay." He whispered. Ally stood up and went back to Bruce's room to get the medicine and water. He showed her where she can get the medicine and water for Bucky. Ally grabbed what she needed and gave it to her husband and walked back into Bruce's office. She sat back down in a chair next to Bruce. "We'll have to run some small tests about the electricity inside of you." Bruce said softly. "And we'll have to find a way for you to safely touch others so you don't shock them, along with you controlling your new-found electrical powers." He said. Ally nodded, agreeing with him. Bruce typed on his computer continuously. "I. . .I just feel so bad, I literally put my own husband in pain." Ally said breathlessly. Bruce turned his chair, facing her. "It's okay, Al. We'll find a way to help him and you." Bruce smiled. She nodded slightly. Ally thought of the moment they were about to have in Paris until she hurt him. It was all her fault.

She sighed quietly. Ally couldn't believe after promising to keep Bucky safe, she put him in such horrible pain. Ally felt so guilty. "Hey fellas." Nat walked in. Bruce turned around in his chair and smiled up at her. "Hi Nat." Bruce said softly. "Hey." Ally whispered. Natasha grabbed a chair and sat in front of Ally. "So, how's the testing going? Is Bucky okay?" She asked. Ally looked up at her. "He's feeling a little bit better." She smiled softly. "Well that's good news!" Nat smiled widely. Ally nodded. "What did his test results say?" Nat looked over at Bruce. He shrugged and grabbed the paper. "Well. . .it showed that there was electric waves pulsating through the scars on his back." Bruce handed Nat the paper. She furrowed her brows. "But where would the electricity come from?" She asked quietly, looking up at Bruce and Ally. Bruce turned to Ally. "Me. The electricity is coming, from me." Ally whispered, looking down. Nat looked over at Bruce. He nodded. "H- how?" She asked.

Ally looked up at her. "When we were in Hydra, they took me into a lab and tested on me for hours non-stop. But instead of testing with new serums, they tested on me with electricity. They thought it would be amazing if they could combine the super soldier serum with electricity to make the supreme soldier." Ally explained. Nat sighed quietly. "Why did her powers not show up until now?" Natasha asked. Bruce shrugged. "I don't know. There's some things that science just can't explain." Bruce said softly. "But I'll try my best to help you and Bucky." Bruce looked at Ally, smiling. Ally smirked. "Thank you." She said. "Of course. And like I said, you guys are family." Bruce said, Natasha nodded. "And you always will be." She added. Ally nodded, "Thank you." Ally whispered. They all sat in slience as Bruce continued running tests and finding out solutions for Ally. "I- I should go check on Bucky." She said. Nat nodded and got out of her way. Ally walked out into the lab and sat in a chair in front of him. "Hey honey, how are you doing? Do you need anything?" She asked softly.

Bucky looked up at her and smiled. "I'm alright darling, thank you though. The pain is starting to go away." He said. Ally smiled. "That's good." She looked into his deep blue eyes. The same blue eyes that made her fall head over heels. "What's wrong, doll?" He asked quietly. Ally shook her head slightly. "I'm just thinking of how luck I am that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." She smiled. Bucky started to put his hand out to kiss her. "No. . .Bucky, please. I don't want to hurt you again." Ally said hesitantly. Bucky shook his head. "I don't care, doll. Besides, Bruce has more of those pills." He smiled. "I- I can't hurt you again." Ally started to back up. Bucky sighed and grabbed her arm. He felt the slow electricity flow throughout his arm. "I'll be okay." He smiled. Bucky pulled her in and kissed her. The electricity flowed through his arm faster, his scars stung.

But he didn't care, he loved her too much.

Author's Note

I'm so sorry for the really cheesy and short chapter, but I really could not figure out a better way to write this chapter😭 (I'll go over it later and try my best to fix it so it isn't cheesy!)

But I hoped you somewhat enjoyed, and thank you for reading!!

Remember to eat or drink something, get some rest, take a deep breath, remember that you are loved, and have an amazing day/night!!

I love youuuuu!!!! <3

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