The start of the Internship

Start from the beginning

"oh my god, are you alright sir?" I ran to his side to check for a pulse, and to my relief he seemed to be alright, because when I grabbed his arm he got up, my teacher seemed to be around 70-80 years old, and he was trembling while smiling at me, I felt warm inside watching the scene it was like watching a little grandpa

"who are you?" he asked me

"sorry sir, my name is Jirou Kyouka and I'm supposed to be your apprentice for the internship" I bowed at him

"what internship?" I sighed he must have memory problems, I can't wait for him to remember that he was supposed to teach me, maybe if I call All Might he can be my teacher instead this week

"I'm sorry sir but I believe it's better for the both of us if I call All Might so he can continue teaching me" I bowed again at him and reached for the door, but just as I was about to open it something kicked my back making me crash on said door

"so you are Toshinori's student, I wonder if he is still as bad at teaching as he was fighting" was he for real? All Might was the #1 hero there was no one as strong as he was but if he was his teacher, and he said he was bad it could only mean he was better?

It was as if he was a different person, he was no longer the trembling cute grandpa with memory issues I had meet, his face told me this was his true self, he seemed strong, sure of himself, ready to battle

"show me how good you are with it, show me your full power" with that he launched himself everywhere, he was so fast I couldn't follow him he was giving me a punch after another

"If you live on what you have in the present you will be dead meat in no time girl, step it up" I was trying to follow him but it was impossible, then his words stuck on me, that was it, if I couldn't follow him then I would have to predict his movements it was my best chance

I saw him land on a wall to my left where he jumped up so I figured he would hit me from above so I prepared my fist with one for all and threw my punch not waiting to see if he would actually go that way, I had been right and he was going directly to my punch, just as my fist was about to touch him, he changed directions and landed on his microwave breaking it

"Pretty good for our first interaction Jirou-san, you have been well trained even though I'm not sure how much of that is thanks to Toshinori, now let's enjoy some Taiyakis you earned 1" he got down from his now broken microwave

"noooooo how are we supposed to warm them now" he said sadly

"I'm sorry sir, maybe I can go to the nearest store buy them and warm them there so we can still share them, would that be nice?" I just couldn't say no to old people they were my weakness

"that would be nice, but why don't we make this a training?, I see you can use all for one on your hands but what about the rest of your body can you use it? If so use it to go to the store 4 streets from here and come back in 3 minutes, you will need 2 to warm the taiyakis" he said while pushing me outside, have I really used all for one on my legs? I guess so but not that much, it shouldn't be that different right?

Boy was I wrong, It was the hardest thing ever, I don't seem to figure how much power I can handle right now, so I was either running like a normal person or becoming flash unable to stop if I don't grab something to hold on to, even so I still wanted to fulfill the task at 3 minutes so after buying the dessert fish, I used all for one and started running I knew the time was on me, I needed to go faster I needed to get there, I could do it, without intending it I send more power to my legs and I found myself flying towards my teacher's house, just like a clock he opened the door, I'm guessing that's the 3 minutes mark and I flew through the door crashing on the wall, sending the Taiyakis flying into his hands

"That must have hurt, are you ok kid?" he asked me

"everything hurts" I replied

"I'm guessing you haven't used it anywhere but in your hands right? What is Toshinori thinking? Come sit on the table rest and eat, you will feel better in the morning" he said

I did as he told me, and grabbed a Taiyaki while sitting next to him

"tell me kid why do you want to become a hero? Why do you believe Toshinori choose you to have this power?" he asked me and I spitted my water

"Sorry I will clean it up, I was just not expecting that questions" I said while getting up and going to cleaning the mess I made

"I don't have an answer as to why All Might choose me I don't think I'm special to have this power, If anything I have not used it the right way, but as to why I want to become a hero, I know it's impossible but I want to protect everyone, I want everyone to know they can count on someone if they are in trouble, I want to make people smile, l want to be like my heroes were" I answered truthfully

"May I ask who your heroes were? I'm guessing they passed since you speak of them in past sentence" he said and I nodded

"My heroes, and the aspiration for me to become a hero were and will always be my parents" he smiled at my answer

"that's really noble, and don't worry I got my answer to both questions, now go to sleep you will need it, we will start training in the morning" he said

"before I go sir, Might I know your name so I can call you something beside sir?" I asked

"you can call me Grand Torino, it used to be my hero name before retiring" he answered and I nodded saying my goodbye before going to sleep

"she reminds me so much of you, I believe you would be glad she is the next user of one for all, I will make sure she is ready to face the evil that comes with this power as you would want me to teach her, I miss you, I hope you are alright wherever you are my dear friend Nana" Grand Torino sighed and retuned to his Taiyaki before calling it a day and going to bed too

No One POV

On another side of the city Momo was so excited to be in this internship under tha care of the hero named Uwabami she was so exited to learn a lot from her, she got even more exited when she got to the place and noted that Kendo-san was in the same internship as well

"Hey Kendo-san! I'm glad we are together in this" I greeted her

"Yaoyarozu-san! It's nice to see you too, let's learn the most we can" she said happy as well

"welcome girls, today I have to record a commercial, so you will accompany me in doing so, please get ready and use your heroes customs we will go out in 10 minutes"

Both Momo and Kendo looked each other in disbelief they hadn't heard that the internship was supposed to go this way

"Don't just stand there I choose you both specifically for your beauty, even though it's not like mine you are both beautiful and can have good careers like me as models, actresses you call it" Uwabami said

This was not what they wanted but they had agreed to come here so now they would have to endure it, at least it was only 1 week

Momo just hoped her classmates were have it better, specially Jirou

-Meanwhile with Bakugou-

Bakugo had reached best Jeanist headquarters and was glad he could work with one of the top heroes of Japan, he was so excited to learn even if he wasn't showing it

"Welcome young Bakugo-san, I choose you because I see your potential as a great hero, but there is 1 problem that might stop your growth, so I took to myself to fix it"

"What do you mean a problem, I have no problem you old man" Bakugou exploded like always

"that's exactly the problem you see your attitude will lead people to fear you instead of felling protected by you, so over this week we will fix that" Jeanist said

"You are not "fixing" anything because I'm leaving this is a waste of time, there is nothing wrong with me" Bakugo turned to leave when many metal strings tied him up from heads to toe, making it impossible to move

"let's start with that unruly hair of yours" Jeanist said while grabbing a handful of gel and putting it on Bakugou's hair

This was going to be one hell of a week was all that Bakugo though wishing that Jirou was having less trouble that he had

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