"That's what this is about? Eat a dick August."

I can't believe I just told him to eat a dick. This is why I hate talking to him, he always brings out the old me before I had kids.

"You seem to be doing enough of that for the both of us. You want a new car? Is that it? Onika all you have to do is ask."

"She has nothing to do with me wanting a car or money or anything, you just say anything."

I wasn't going to tell him we were just friends because it was none of his business what her and I were, I'm single.

"She? You're dating a girl? You're a grown woman Onika."

"What does me being a grown woman have to do with anything? Move." I tried to slide past him but he stepped in front of me.

"I don't want that shit around my daughter."

"August move. I'm done talking about this with you." I tried to walk past him but he stepped in my way again.

"I want custody of Imani."

I pushed him back by his chest to move him but he pushed me back and my head hit the wall.

"Mommy?" Imani was at the top of the stairs with her backpack on.

This feels like a Tyler Perry movie.

That hurt like hell but I was trying to keep a poker face. I was seeing stars and black spots.

"Imani go wait in the car, me and your mom are talking."

"But I can't get in." If I have to jump to get in the car I don't know why he thought she would be able to.

"Go wait outside."


"Yeah, let's go." I tried to walk past him a third time and this time he grabbed my arm.

"She's not waiting outside by herself, do you know how old she is? Let me go." I gritted lowly so Imani couldn't hear me.

"Imani I'll help you in the car so me and you mom can finish talking." His grip on my arm got tighter, there was definitely going to be a bruise.

"I wanna stay with mommy." She came down the stairs and held my hand that wasn't on the arm he was grabbing.

"What did I just say?"

He's not usually like this, he's only doing all this because he thinks I'm with someone else.

Instead of listening to him she looked up at him. She barely listens to him and he wants custody of her.

"Baby just go wait in the car, I'll be there in less than two minutes."

After that she finally went him. He came back a couple minutes later without her.

"I was serious when I said I wanted custody."

"You must be out of your rabbit ass mind. You think because you watch her for a couple days out of the month you know how to be a father? You couldn't half the shit I do on a daily basis for these kids."

He has me fucked up.

"Stop acting like I don't do shit for them."

"What do you do?! Pay for Amir's school and buy Imani toys and watch her for a couple days and then not think about her?! Father of the fucking year."

"All I do is pay for his school? It's the least I can do for someone else's son. That's your mistake you made at 17, not mine."

I slapped him.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now