Snapchat boy - Short and Sweet romance

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Genre: Romance-GxB
songs I listened to while writing:
Mrs. potato head - Melanie Martinez
Us - James Bay
Hope ur ok - Olivia Rodrigo
Wildest dreams - Taylor Swift
time: 11:28pm-11:56pm
Name: Snapchat Boy


I wipe the fog from the steam of the shower off the window. Looking at myself in a towel wrapped around my body and hair and dots of moisturizer on my face.

I get dressed in my simple pajamas, an oversized shirt and boxers. I don’t care what anyone says, boxers are so comfortable to sleep in. I brush my teeth and finish my skin care routine and head to my room.

On my way there, I grab some chips and a soda. I shut my door on my way in then sit my snacks down on my bed stand. I hop in bed, bundling myself in a bunch of pillows and covers. I grab my snacks and phone. I connect my Bluetooth headphones to my phone and put them in my ear.
opening the bag of chips and grabbing a handful and stuffing my mouth.

After hours upon hours of scrolling through tiktok, liking transitions and makeup videos, I get a notification saying I have a new friend request on snapchat…

I click the notification and check the name:
'Giovanni Donita'
Doesn't sound familiar, but the bitmoji looks promising, so I accept and wait for him to make the first move because he added me first, of course.

After about 2 minutes, I got another notification from, yet again, snapchat saying Giovanni sent a snap. Going off tiktok, I check the snap. Crossing my fingers that I don't see a dick, I open it. I had to sit up for this one because, oh my.

Nope, not a penis.

It's a boy. No, a man. He looks around 17-18. Brown fluffy hair, nice smile, DIMPLES, green eyes. Yeah, ok. He checks everything off my list.

Fixing my hair, I quickly take a pic, then a few more until I take the perfect one, or at least close to perfect, and send it.

Right after sending it, I instantly regret it. thinking of all the things wrong with that picture. I should have put my hair up, or at least shuzzed it a little more, probably should have taken off my glasses too. Ugh, and the ugly shirt I have on with way too many stains on it. and this friggin zit on my chin-

my thoughts are quickly interrupted by a ding. He sent a snap back.

I go to answer it, but realize he just sent it and might think I'm sending them back too quickly so, I don't. instead I wait a few minutes.

Okay, I'm done waiting. I click the snap and almost drop my phone. But I don't. The snap he sent is a mirror pic, with a question. He asked me a question. Oh lord.

"How old are you?"

he asks. He asked my age. What should I say? well, my age obviously, but do I add a smiley face? no, that's too much.

I take a snap of the side of my face and reply with, "16. What about you?"

I would have sent a mirror pic too, but I'm currently in my dad's work shirt and boxers.

Right after sending it, he opens it., but takes 2 minutes to send one back. oh gosh. Did I scare him away?

No. I didn't. Cause he just sent one back.

I click it, since he didn't waste any time opening mine. it's a picture of him with the side of his face but it's very clear he's smiling. his smile is to die for.

"I'm 18. I just turned 18 last month. When's your birthday?"

Should I be worried he's 18? I mean my birthday is coming up, and it's only a year apart.

snapping back, I reply with:

"April 5th, so I'm almost 17"

I bite my nails while I wait for a reply...didn't wait long.

Opening his snap, I see him smiling again, which makes me smile. He replies with, "that's good:)"

Deciding I wanna be bold, I tell him exactly what I'm thinking.

"You have a nice smile. you have the type of smile that makes other people smile when they see them"

I hit send. Sent.

I throw my phone. No joke. I throw my phone across the flipping room. And then get up, grab it, and sit back down on my bed and continue biting my nails.

It isn't cracked, it landed on one of the many dirty clothes I have laid on my floor. I guess having a messy room comes in handy.

He already sent one back when I check my phone, so I open it.

"That's such a lovely compliment, you've got me blushing. And I don't blush"

He says. I made him blush...I might throw up.

We go on like this for hours. Snapping back and forth, having conversation, getting to know each other. in the three hours I've snapped him, I've learned he plays piano, wants to be a nurse because he enjoys helping people (yes, my heart melted at that), like reading books; mostly classics but when I told him I the books I enjoyed he said he was open to branching out for me, he has a cat named 'Spoon', he has a little sister, he also likes girls with glasses and that information made me giggle like a schoolgirl, and...

And he's Italian.

I should have known, because of his name.

It starts getting later and when I yawn and can barely keep my eyes open, I know it's time for me to sleep. even though I don't want to. I wanna talk to him more, and more.

texting him, "it's getting late for me, so if I don't respond I've probably passed out lol"

I only have to wait about 5 seconds until he responds back saying, "no worries. you need your sleep. text me in the morning, I'll be here when you awake. goodnight,amore mio <3"

My heart did cartwheels.

And with that I sleep peacefully, with dreams of an Italian brunette boy with a lovely smile.

ok that was kinda cute ngl. i know this was short and sweet for a first chapter, but when i wrote this i was sad bc i didnt have a bf for valentines day and i was also talking to a cute guy with a nice smile on snapchat. anywho, where's my italian boy?? 

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