Chapter 6

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Remy and I arrived at her grandmother's house and I was not excited to be here with her. When I called her from a payphone on the road she refused to meet me halfway and walked us to come and stay with her, which I refused to do and got us a hotel room. I took Remy's hand as we walked up to the door.

"Remember, no talking about where we live now and don't mention Frank or Roberta." I said and she nodded. I knocked and waited for her to answer the door. Once she did she got excited to see Remy.

"Grandma!" Remy said and let me go and hugged her.

"Remy bear. It's so good to see you!" Tess said excited and then looked at me.

"You look well." She said and I nodded.

"Right well you are seeing me fresh from bruises and bloody marks that you always ignored so I guess I would look good." I said and she groaned.

"Not in front of Remy. I was just trying to be polite." Tess said as we walked in the house.

"How has it been wherever you are?" Tess asked Remy and she looked at me.

"You can tell her how you like it just you know the rest of what not to say." I said and Tess groaned as we sat in the living room of her house.

"Oh come on Bailey, surely you don't think I would come to your new place." Tess said.

"Well no but you would tell Jake." I said and she groaned.

"You two really should talk." Tess said.

"We are divorced and I have nothing to say to him." I said.

"At least work out custody or visitation with him." Tess said and groaned.

"Visit with Remy, you wanted to see her. Don't worry about my life." I said and she started visiting with Remy. After about 45 minutes there was a knock on her door.

"Can you go get that dear?" She asked me and I nodded since her and Remy were playing a boardgame. I walked to the door and gasped when I saw who it was.

"Oh Bailey...aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Jake said and went to hug me but I back away. He forcefully grabbed my wrist and made me hug him. I fought to get out of his grip. Once he let me go I rubbed my wrist. He walked into the living room.

"DADDY!" Remy screamed and ran to him and he picked her up in a hug.

"There is my baby girl." Jake said hugged her. I stood in the doorway to the room rubbing my wrist.

"Oh stop being dramatic Bailey." Jake said as he put Remy down. He walked over to me and got in my face.

"I have done worse and I still might." He growled in my face. I fought back the tears as he walked away.

"Jake I thought I would take Remy into the kitchen and bake cookies with her and you two could maybe work out a visitation schedule." Tess said and Jake smiled at me.

"Sounds like a good plan." Jake said as Tess took Remy into the kitchen and Jake rushed me before I could move and pinned me against the wall.

"You take her away from me and don't even tell me where you are going?!" Jake said angerly. I struggled against him since he hand was around my throat. He then back handed me across my face and let me go as I fell to the ground.

"Jake, stop, please." I said and he picked me up by my arm gripping tightly. He then punched me in my mouth getting me to shut up and splitting my lip.

"You and I will work out visitation and I will find out where you live. You can't run anymore Bailey." He said close to my face again and started crying.

"Jake stop, cant we talk like normal adults and parents." I said and he back handed me again.

"That time would have been before you left. I'm just pissed now." Jake said and I cried.


*****REMY POV*****

Remy and Bailey didn't get home until late on Sunday night and Bailey didn't tell anyone she was back. Remy walked to the bus stop by herself that Monday morning. Frank and Mary were already standing there.

"Remy!" Mary said excited and hugged her friend.

"I missed you this weekend. Frank and I went out on a boat and went to a secluded beach." Mary said and Remy smiled.

"Mom and I went and saw my grandma and dad." Remy said.

"Your dad was there?" Frank asked.

"Yeah he showed up as a surprise Grandma said. Him and mom talked and then we left really fast and got a hotel room. Mom didn't sleep much, she seemed scared." Remy said. Frank looked back to my house and sighed knowing he needed to wait with the girls. He waited impatiently for the bus.

"Frank..." Remy said.

"Yeah sweetie?" Frank answered.

"I think my dad hurt my mom but she is keeping it hidden from me." Remy said as the bus arrived. Frank crouched down to Remy's level.
"I promise you I will check on your mom, you go have a good day. Both of you." Frank said and they got on the bus. Once the bus drove off her ran to Roberta's house and walked in.

"I need the keys to Bailey's door please." He said to Roberta.

"Did something happen?" Roberta asked and she handed him the key.

"I don't know, I think this weekend visit didn't go as planned." Frank said and rushed out of Roberta's house.

*****NORMAL POV*****

I was laying in bed once I knew Remy was headed to the bus stop since I knew Frank was out there, I knew he would be at the house soon. I heard the door to my house open and groaned turning my back to the bedroom door.

"Bailey?!" Frank called out and then I heard him get to the bedroom and he sighed.

"Bailey, please look at me." Frank said sitting on the edge of the bed. I knew there was no hiding it. I rolled over and sat up. I instantly saw his face go red with anger. I had a split lip, bruised cheeks and a slight handprint around my throat. Frank didn't know what else to do as he saw my eyes fill with tears.

"I didn't know she would call him. I was naive." I said and Frank went to touch my cheek and I stopped him.

"Please don't." I said and he just held my hand and then he saw the bruises on my wrist.

"Did you call the police?" Frank asked.

"What good would it have done Frank? I willingly went to her house." I said and Frank sighed.

"I want to hug you Lee." Frank said and I nodded. He wrapped me gently in a hug and I cried into his chest.

"He wont touch you again. I wont let him." Frank said and held on to me. I wasn't sure how long he held me but I saw Roberta come walking in and see him holding me on my bed.

"Well look at you two all cozy." Roberta said trying to lighten the mood. I smiled at her from Franks embrace.

"Hey." I said.

"Can we talk in the living room?" Roberta asked and I nodded.

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