Chapter Nine: Last Night

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[America's POV]

(The day after Christmas was eventually over so Soviet and I went to bed, I fell asleep at about 9:34 PM and now it is 12:03 AM)

Something's off, the bed feels......empty, I opened my eyes and looked over to Soviet's side of the bed.............nothing...........where is he? At f*cking mid-night?

I walk over to the bathroom and I hear muttering so I open the door and walk in and I see, Soviet, standing over the sink, he flinched when I opened the door.

"Soviet!?" I whisper yelled

"Um...I......" He trailed off staring at me

"Soviet! What's going on!?" I continued

He just looked away and muttered something

"Soviet? Please? Please don't keep this from me" I begged

"You wanna know!? I'm dying!!.........There Ame!" Soviet responded

"Uh, Wha!! Sovee. W-why didn't yo-......." I said, stuttering

"Why didn't I what? Tell you?............I, didn't want you to worry............" Soviet trailed off again

"So the 'Oh, it's nothing'  was a lie?" I asked

"Yes, Ame, Yes it was" He said

I went up to him and hugged him

"I love you Sovee" I muttered

He hugged me back and picked me up

"I love you too Ame" He whispered in my ear

He sat down in the center of our bed and put me in his lap

"Hey Sovee?" I said

"Hm?" He responded

"Have you heard the song 'Alone'?" I asked

"No" was all he said

"I know you haven't" I said playfully

"It goes...."

".....If this night is not forever, at least we are together, I know I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone~" I started to sing

"That's a happy song" Soviet spat out the words

"Fine then here....."

"Little do you know how I'm breaking while you fall asleep, little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories, little do you know I'm tryna myself up piece by piece, little do you know I need a little more time~.............Little do you know I know your breaking while I fall asleep, little do you know I know your still haunted by the memories, little do you know I know your tryna pick your self up piece by piece, little do you know you till the sun dies~......."

I started to cry, I didn't want to lose Soviet......

"It's ok Америка........I love you...........and that wont change"



(353 Words)

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