This Is Earth 3500

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Chapter One

 “State your name soldier”

“Quantum, My name is Quantum Heir”

The tough looking soldier looked deeply at Quantum scanning her with his big metallic eyes making sure she wasn’t a Flyer. Everyone- or everything in this intense was afraid of the Flyers. But of course who wouldn’t be? They looked like something of a horror film and not to mention the putrid smell of these vile creatures yet they had evolved an amazing camouflage throughout the years to copy every inch of detail of a human they saw but the only thing they could never hide was they’re eyes.

They’re eyes were a mixture of an intense dark purple with an explosion of a mesmizing yellowish colour. Quantum was always fascinated by their eyes ever since she joined the army although her parents hugely discouraged this since the army was founded to protect humans and she was far from human.

As a matter of fact the whole army was purely Transporter. But she was a rare breed called blue blood partly because she did in fact have blue blood and because she was royalty.

As soon as the guard finished scanning Quantum she rushed to the library.

“Hey Quantum. I got a great log for you to read” Jex, called.

Jex was the Base’s librarian and had always enjoyed reading ever since he was born in the planet Hefer 8. It was now an in habitable planet since the year 2908 and now it was the year 3500 everything was different. You are probably wondering why the heck Jex was still alive. Well in Hefer 8 a nuclear explosion spread across Te’era and everything that was exposed was never to age so well Jex was 38 and had been that age for decades.

“What’s the log called?” Quantum asked happily

“Flyer Kill by Mishawka” Jex replied flashing the log in Quantum’s eyes.

“Giveme Giveme Giveme!” Quantum giggled  

Quantum’s skin glowed literally with excitement.

“You need to control your Buzz. Don’t they teach you that in Base D?” Jex laughed

“Sorry! I lose control when I’m happy” She apologised feeling embarrassed.

“Why do you like reading about Flyers anyways? You kill dozens of them every day” Jex asked

“You better know your enemy before you kill it.” Quantum replied as she left the library with the log in her back pack.

Chapter Two

Quantum was climbing up the long hovering steps slowly wondering what she was going to read in Mishawka’s Flyer Kill.

As she climbed up and reached the first floor she spotted Nula waiting there for someone or something she waved her hand unable to speak gasping for breath.

“Tired?” He laughed

“You’d think that they would build a elevator but no! They build stinking stairs instead. I mean come on it is the year 3500” Quantum replied with her hands on her knees.

Nula ruffled his hair slightly.

“Stairs are the least of my worries. My date hasn’t shown up yet” Nula said changing the subject

Quantum giggled.

“Dude you’ve dated every girl in base D and C. A no show is the least of your worries- Mr Player.” Quantum said rolling her eyes

“Wrong! I haven’t dated every girl in base D. I still haven’t gone out with you yet. But I’m working on it.” Nula replied flirting with Quantum.

“Dream on lover boy!” Quantum laughed as she continued her long journey to the 5th floor

Chapter Three

Finally Quantum arrived to her room which she shared with her best friend Fury. She opened the door and a huge explosion of cigarette smoke engulfed her face.

“Fury! You know it’s against the rules to smoke in the building” Quantum shrieked

Fury was shocked to see Quantum back from her errands already. She swished the air madly and sprayed her best perfume in the room feeling embarrassed

Her skin Buzzed a green glow for a moment as she apologized to Quantum.

Fury was very athletic and had been friends with Quantum since they were in Base K. They had grown to be very good friends the moment they met. She was a beautiful girl with long blond hair with purple highlights and deep green eyes whereas Quantum was a by the book kind of person with short black hair and big blue eyes and had zero boy experience compared to Fury.

 “I got you something Q” Fury announced proudly

“What?” Quantum replied opening the windows

“It’s the T-6 9er model hand gun” Fury replied

“No shit! That’s awesome. How the heck did you get that gun?” Quantum asked

Fury tapped he nose and handed the gun to the star struck Quantum who gazed at the gun as if it was a big diamond ring.

A knock interrupted Quantum- it was Xennah the general’s messenger.

“General Kalr wants you two to go on a mission in East. Humans reported a state of emergency” Xennah said leaving almost immediately. Quantum rolled her eyes and sighed and got dressed quickly in gear along with Fury.”

They arrived downstairs and were immiedetly told to drive to East Base.

Chapter Four

“I don’t understand why we aren’t allowed to transport. I mean hello! We are Transporters for Christ’s sake” Fury complained

“Fury. The Te’era war started because of us transporting. We endangered the human’s after they gave us shelter in they’re planet. We bought the Flyers here so we owe them this much” Quantum replied

The rest of the journey was in silence.

They arrived at East Base and immiedetly they engaged into battle with Flyers. Quantum separated with Fury and crept to the caves at the edge of East Base and she spotted a boy the same age as her and she walked over to him slowly.

“State your name boy” Quantum demanded

“Ra’in but you can call me Nylie” he replied

He stood up and walked over to her and stared into her eyes.

“ I like you” he said and grabbed Quantum and changed into a Flyer.

To be continued

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