"Adam!" I giggled gently pushing him away as he was getting so grabby "come on let's get home"

"Come on just a little longer. You have no clue how bad I need you." He groans grabbing my chest with both his hands slipping under my shirt to do so "uuuuhh fuck. Ohh yeah! Come here baby" he smirked pulling me into his lap "can't you feel how hard I am. How many I need my little step sister. How bad I want her."

"Well my step brother can just masturbate when we get home"

"Ughhh! I'm sick of masturbating! I want you. Real you. Not my imagination."

"No adam! We can't we'd get in so much trouble"

"Ummmm I don't care what trouble we'd be in. I love you! It's not my fault my mum is shacking up with your dad, how's that our fault.... I loved you first" he complained "I don't wanna go home lay on my bed and masturbate thinking about you. I wanna touch you, and kiss you, and make love to you baby. Don't you want me too?"

"Of course I do. But we can't adam"

"I'll give you anything. Anything you want baby name it, name it and you can have me all of me. I swear."

"Home adam, before you get all excited" I told him trying to climb back to the front seat but he grabbed my hips pulling me into his lap my back against his chest his arm around me so I couldn't escape his grasp he moved his hips practically grinding against me

"Ummmm step sister. You feel so good" he groans "please baby. I need you."

"No adam" I giggled climbing away and sitting in the front seat "come on" I laughed patting the other front seat, he sighed and came sitting with me clearly pouting and frustrated "I love you"

"Love you too"

I smirked as I watched my dad's car hurry off him and adams mum where off shopping they wouldn't be long and I had a fun idea as soon as the car was gone I went to the bathroom leaning on the bathtub spotting adam sat on his bed in his work out clothes a pen in his mouth as he was doing some sort of puzzle book he spotted me and clearly checked out my shorts

"Hi step brother" I waved

"Hi step sis. Something you wanted?" He Asks putting his book and pen down and as he did I noticed his knee moved slightly as if he was opening his legs a little almost to hint or entice that he wanted me back on his lap

"No, just thought I'd run myself a big bubbly bath" I smiled

"Yeah? Then.... I shall assist you, if I may" he smirked getting up coming into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him

"You may" I giggled as I began running the bath putting bubbles and a bath bomb or two into the tub all with him helping excitedly till the bath was full. I began undoing my little dress but instantly adam took over for me gently tugging it off my body till I stood in only my panties with my dress around my ankles

"Fuck" he groans looking at me over and over "your gorgeous baby. Uuuuhhhhh fuck." He groans softly taking a breast in each hand groping then both hard and fash "uuuuhhhhh they feel so good, ummmm baby I want more" he groans "I want you. I need you." He gasped I giggled and helped him out of his own clothes before pushing him over to the bathtub, he didn't need instructions, slipping his boxers off and climbing in laying his head on the side looking at me "you coming baby?" He smirked

"Maybe, or maybe I'll have a shower instead" I smirked as I pushed off my panties

"Uuuuuuughhh fuck your so beautiful!" He groans "come here baby please," he begs already jerking himself off under the water I giggled innocently and climbed into the tub with him

"What are you doing stepbrother?"

"Masturbating over my pretty step sister" he smirked pulling my hips gently so I sat on his lap our naked bodies pressed close together, we kissed gently but full of passion, lust and affection. He stroked my skin washing warm soap and water over my body as we kissed, I stroked his chest running my fingers across his body timidly between our kisses "y/n?"

"Yes adam?"

"I love you" he muttered moving his hand thought my slightly wet hair

"I love you too" I giggled

"I know it's wrong but... please. I need you so badly. Make me cum baby. Please" he whines

"I'm not sure I should step brother," I blushed

"Please, I can't contain myself looking at that beautiful body over me"

"Did you want me to... do this?' I blushed moving my hands under the water stroking his hips at first but moving quickly to stroke the hard shaft of his erection

"Ummm hum" He groans unable to remove his eyes from me I gently stroked my hand back and forth working into his lustful whines and gasps his little moves trying to get more attention "Uhhh UghhH! Uuuuuuuhhh y/n!" I moved my mother hand down too and worked harder making sure to only give him the very tip of what he wants "Uhh fuck y/n please come on!" He whines in desperation

"Well baths all finished, I need to get all dry and dressed"

"No no please, Please baby stay here"


"I need you baby, Please I need to cum. Just a little while longer I'm so close"

"No, we don't know when they're gonna get back"

"Trust me unless there about to open that door in the next ten minutes that's not gonna be a problem, Please.... I'm so close"

"You need it that badly use your own hand" I smirked climbing out the bath and wrapping a towel across my front and not my back letting him stare at my ass

"Baby Please!"

"Nope, sorry adam" I giggled going back to my own room

"Your evil!" He complains, getting out too

"Love you adam!"

"Love you too" 

Adam Douglas imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now