Chapter Four: The Academy [1]

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    "It is actually."

    Oh dear, what kind of complicated relationship this is. All Luna could do was sighed and laughed.

    She have read the information of the characters before getting transmigrated in here but it was not stated their relationship with other male leads as well as their past personality. What Luna read before was their personalities after getting involved with the protagonist. 

    "Love is Love, I guess. Ah nevermind that, I'm scared to leave the house tomorrow." Luna stated as their orders arrived and started eating.

    "Why?" Asked Agapius.

    "Obviously because of Remus. There's a high possibility he'll ask me on a duel first thing after arriving at the academy."

     "Oh yeah, he's the persistent type of guy, after all."

     Luna shook her head at to what Agapius replied.

    "Why did you made him like that, my head would literally explode everyday by the sight of him."

    She was the type of person who really despite someone being pushy or persistent.They irritate her the most, people like that who she have encountered as dizian, always starts to be clingy and act friendly with you then after they get what they wanted, they'll throw you out like a sticky note after.

    "Hey, I may be a God and the creator of this world but I am not the one who picked their personalities.They are the one who get to build their own, I just keep them in check. These people, have their own set of freedom and choices. Don't worry, he may act like that but he's a nice person."

    "Do you really not pay attention to your own game."

    "I build this from when the protagonists just had been born, to what kind of story would await them till their 3rd year in the academy, but that's just it, after that, the progress of the story is going to be in hand of the one who will possess Luna." He continued ignoring Luna's comment.


    Luna felt like a big rock has been put in her back. She should've just refused in the first place, but even if she refused back then she does not know how to get back to the outside.

    As soon as they have eaten thier food, they both headed back to the car and eventually went home.

    It was already pass 7 in the evening, Luna and Agapius already had their supper and decided to go to bed early.

   Luna was of course in her own bedroom, Agapius however was said to sleep on the couch, he did intended to build another room inside the apartment, Luna however refused. He could alter everything not just her precious apartment.

     Laying down in the bed looking ahead at nothing, today's events started to play in her head like a song in a loop. She couldn't believe still, that she a person who is a guy inside and biologically was—will have to really live as a girl for who knows when. All Luna needed was to complete this story, if she failed, she have to go back to scratch, it'll be a never ending loop of she continues to fail. This is her first try and will be the last, in order to be successful she have to reduce the love interest.

   'A guy in a female body being surround by handsome fellow. Is this what Eva says that it's BL but not?'

    Weird thoughts started to fill her head as she recall what Eva kept on babbling about last weekend. She had mentioned that she found this comic that was seem to be a Boy's love But isn't. The said comic has the same situation as him, except the guy was not possessing a female body, instead he actually turned into a girl.

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