𝟬𝟬𝟴. 𝗘𝗠𝗢𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 𝟮𝗫𝟬𝟯

Beginne am Anfang

"All right, I'm with you. And I also got to say this newfound heroism is making me very attracted to you." Stiles says and I frown, chuckling.

"Shut up." Scott says smiling, but Stiles seems serious. "No, seriously. Do you want to just try making out for a second. Just to see how it feels!"


"Why am I here?" I ask and look at Erica nervously. She scares me. She also kidnapped me. "I don't want to choose between Scott and you Derek, you know that." I say and he nods. "I know. That's why I turned Boyd also. But, you chose me the second you got turned." He says and I shake my head. We were at the ice rink.

"That's not true," I say and look at Isaac. "We need your gift in the war, Sarah. Once we learn how to control it, we can use it." He says and I look down. "I'm just a weapon for you?" I ask and Derek sighs.

"Don't talk like that," he says and he looks at Isaac. "Just come with us Sarah, it would make us happy, me, happy." Isaac says and I bite my lip, I guess I can't say no to him. I mean he's saying it so sweet.

"Okay," I give in and nod. We get into the ice skating building where Boyd and Scott are and I am a little nervous. "I just want to not eat lunch alone every day," Boyd confesses and my heart pounds faster, poor kid.

"If you're looking for friends, you can do... a lot better than Derek." He says and Isaac pushes me a little froward. I'm standing between Erica and Isaac, Erica is standing next to Derek.

"That, really hurt, Scott." He says and Scott turns around. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus." He says pointing at me. Both Erica and Isaac were smirking while I just stood there. "Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" He asks and Erica tilts her head.

"Mm. In a word... transformative." She says and growls, making me feeling awkward. "Isaac?" Derek asks and he raises an eyebrow. "Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that I'm great." He says and Scott frowns.

"Sarah?" He asks and they all look at me with expectancy. "I- I um, I feel wonderful. Yeah, having no idea what I can do or what I am is the best feeling ever," I say and look down.

"Okay. Hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight," Scott says and I frown. "Then go home Scott." Derek says and looks at Isaac and Erica, who start walking confidently. Scott punches the ground, making the ice break and I see him turning.

I want to stop them, but Derek stops me. "I meant fair for them," Scott says and he roars. "What are you feeling?" He asks and I frown. "Annoyance." I say and my eyes dart to the three betas fighting. "Anger, but also fear." I say and he nods.

"Which belongs by who?" He asks and I frown. "Erica is annoyed. Scott is angry, so is Isaac." I say and he nods. "Who's scared?" He asks and I sigh. "Me."

"Can you stop the emotions and make them feel different?" He asks and I snap my head to him. "Of course not." I say and he frowns. "You've already done it once," he says and I think about Lydia. How... "I'd have to touch them." I say and he shakes his head. "You don't have to. It'll be easier if you touch them, but you don't have too." He says and I frown.

"Why would I want to make them feel different anyway?" I ask and he frowns. "Because you can win that way." He says and I see Erica and Isaac on the ground.

Derek smiles, looking down. "Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him," Scott yells and I frown.

"Make Scott feel less angry, even if it's just for the moment, make him feel scared." He says and I frown. "Scott is my friend." I say and Derek raises an eyebrow at me. "Now, Sarah." He says and I start walking. I don't know, but I feel like when Derek asks me something, I can't completely object. I just do it. Surely, it doesn't always feel right.. but maybe it's because he's my alpha?

"He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!" He says and my eyes flash gold.

"Sarah I'm not gonna fight you," he says and I shake my head. "I'm not gonna fight you either." I say and then close my eyes, my eyes starting to go between gold and brown, feeling Scott's emotions at once. He's angry at Derek, but he also feels responsible. I turn all those emotions and turn it into fear.

I open my eyes and see Scott has turned back. He's fighting me mentally, because I can enter his head. It's confusing to feel so much at once, but slowly he starts fearing me. I stop my influence immediately and look at him, seeing him back to his normal self.

He feared me. I didn't think he would do that, I thought he would fear Erica or Isaac, hell even Boyd. "It's true. It is about power." He says and shows his claws, then his eyes. He roars and I step away. Scott actually throws some really good punches, but then  Derek starts beating up Scott and I gasp.

"Stop!" I yell and look at Isaac, who stands up and holds me back. "Wait! No!" I yell again and try to rip me away from his grip, but he holds me tight. "Let me go! Scott!" I yell and try to get into Derek's head, but nothing is working. My own panic is too big for me to concentrate.

I watch him helplessly as Scott tries to fight Derek and chokes him. He let's go and Derek looks at me. I back away from him, scared out of my mind. "Hey, it's okay," Isaac sooths slightly and I start feeling that familiar fuzz in my mind again.

"Don't. You don't want to be like them," he says and I close my eyes, feeling tired. "Derek," Isaac says quietly and I lean on Isaac. "Just lift her into the car, she'll be fine." He says and I let out a sigh. "You're right. I want to be like you," I hear Boyd say and then I pass out.

I wake up again in an old, smelly bed. I feel that someone is on the bed and open my eyes, seeing Isaac. He gives me a small smile and I look down. "I was worried about you for a sec," he says and I let out a sigh. "Worried?" I ask, my voice groggily and he nods.

"Yeah. Derek doesn't know what you are, but apparently it takes a lot of energy." He says and I sit up. "Or I'm just weak," I say and he chuckles. "Yeah sure." He says and I let out a sigh.

"Are you gonna be okay?" He asks and I nod. "You don't need to be so concerned." I snap and he frowns. "You're part of the pack, whether you like it or not." He says and I nod. "I know." I say and sigh.

I check my phone and see that Stiles left me a message that I need to go to the car repair, apparently he had been in this kind of accident. "I have to go," I say and stand up, almost falling over in the process. Isaac catches me and I look away, clearing my throat. "Goodluck being a fugitive," I murmer and stand up again, wanting to go, but Isaac stops me, grabbing my wrist and pushing me against the wall.

My breathe got caught in my throat and I look up and down at his lips. "Come back afterwards. Derek doesn't like you gone for long," he whispers and tucks some hair behind my ear.

"Oh," I whisper and look into his eyes. "What about you?" I whisper and he takes a deep breathe. "I believe Derek knows what's best for you." He avoids my actual question and I just nod. "I need to go, Isaac." I say and he let's go of me. I hurriedly pace away, feelings Isaac's burning eyes on my back.

~2657 words~

Smh I didn't get tickets for vip Joshua Bassett fall tour😭😭

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