Then I heard the whole crowd bend their heads down.
"SIR , WELCOME SIR!". they all said.

I saw the two boys walked towards us. The one with the Tattoo on the head kicked the dude who bullied my brother. And the other one walked to me an Takemichi.

He came so close I backed away form Takemichi and he fell on the ground seeing the leader ask. " Who are you". Takemichi replied. " Takemichi, Hanagaki". He looked at me and asked me again. " and you must be his sister, right.".

My head perked up to him." Yeah...Takemichi's younger sister,  Y/N".

The dude chuckled. " I see you protect your brother really good against that bitch at the back.....well your brother and I are friends now , keep safe". He walked away to the "dude".

" were you the one running these matches". He nodded. Then he kicked his chin........chin check the fuck out of this man. Jeez his kicked look powerful.he grabbed his head. " who do you think you are ". And another punch in the face.

"Alright , Takemichi and ....Y/N,  see ya later ......let's go Kenny".

He said I looked confused he smiled and laughed while beating. His crazy but he look so calm. I saw them walking away.

Akkun." Hey are you guys okay ".

I sighed." Yeah , we are going home now , would you guys like to join ". The all agreed.

Takemichi looked sad." Sorry Y/N  , I just wanted to prove I can be strong".

I smiled and held my brother by his neck choking him but not too.hard." It okay Takemichi , you are already strong , you don't need to fight some losers , your perfect,  and brother is the best ". I smiled choking him more.

Takemichi gasping." Thanks can you let me go now".

I chuckled " sorry.....let's go guys grandma must be waiting ".

Normal POV:

As you walked in front of Takemichi's friends. You were kicking stones , humming,  singing,  and doing imagination fighting you were sure rough too. So optimistic.

Makoto." Takemichi,  you're lucky to.have her as a sister ". He blushed.

Takemichi " Stop hitting on my sister".

Yamagushi." Takemichi , you won't understand cause she is your sister , we're friends , but ....I wish she could date me.....shes so beautiful,  cute , chubby ".

Takemichi hit his head." STOP , SHES MY SISTER ".

you turned around confused." Did you say anything ".

Akkun. " No , just keep walking ". You cocked an eyebrow.

Takemichi. " look , shes is amazing but don't speak like that in front of me its weird. It's just you guys might not keep.her safe from bullies....she gets bullied alot because of her size."

Makoto" we will do anything to keep.her safe whether we die or get destroyed ".

As you walked home. To your grandmother's house , you were so happy for some reason. You felt like a new page being turned.

You  heard the boys at the back talking but you didn't mind. The boys loves seeing you smile , your hips swayed , how your skirt covers those thighs and the chubby arms. It's all cute.

You saw your grandpa in his garage fixing his old but fancy car. " Hey Oupa , we are back".

Oupa." Hey children , nice to see you,  grandma is serving dinner , Takemichi.....!?!?!".

He shouted seeing his blood and bruise. You quickly ran  inside. " Hey Ouma , Takemichi and the boys are her."

Ouma smiled." Oh good , food Is ready".

*** 10 minutes later ***

Y/N was cleaning off Takemichi while his friends were talking and watching you doing it." Takemichi, you're really badly hurt.....Hinata is not.ganna be happy about this".

Akkun ." DAMn. Takemichi , is your sister your new mom". They made fun of him.

Takemichi frowned  " Shut up".

Y/N " sit still ". You shouted.

After that you see the boys outside them leaving , you and your brother went to bed. You went in your room to do some sketching before sleeping.


Why did that leader say his friends with me and Takemichi ......

Tomorrow Takemichi and Hinata is ganna be on.a date. I can't hang out with the boys......Grandma will be  upset. I'll just walk around. And buy snacks. favorite boba....and my dumplings.....sounds good. And most of all the stawberry cheese cake.


So what think.about this story....I hope it's good.

Next chapter patient it will take time......

Luv  yall oh....and idk if this is great.

Bye :3 <3

chubby reader x Lonely MikeyWhere stories live. Discover now