Chapter 3

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Where was I? This situation reminded me of the time I had woken up in district 13 for the first time.

"You're awake", an unfamiliar voice stated.

I looked around to see a peacekeeper approaching me. He stopped right in front of me. Intuitively I wanted to back away from him, but realized that I was chained to a chair.

"So do you mind spilling your knowledge on district 13 and the rebellion?", he asked me bluntly.

"What are you talking about?"

"We know that you're working for their camera team", he clarified. "If you don't tell me, I'll force you to. But you could save us the hassle."

I gritted my teeth. How much bad luck could one person have? I had known right from the beginning that it had not been a smart idea to accompany Katniss to district 8 as she was just as unlucky as me. But for once I had wanted to upset Haymitch, not the other way around. After all I had never seen him worried for me.

"You don't wanna tell me anything?", the peacekeeper reassured.

Over the last weeks I had gotten to know how different life could be. No fear of starving to death or getting punished by peacekeepers without a justifiable reason. No Haymitch and Katniss who constantly reminded me of what I missed. Friends like Cressida, Pollux, Castor and Messalla who appreciated me for who I was.

I had not told anyone about my past for a reason. A fresh start. I had never felt so great in my life ... until Haymitch and Katniss had appeared and ruined everything.

"There's nothing I could tell you", I replied defiantly.

Actually it was kind of true. As if Coin would have shared useful information with me, literally a stranger. She had only used me to work for the district, but I was fine with that. Her wary behavior had been smart after all, not that I would have spilled any information anyway.

Over the next days/weeks/months? I acknowledged that mental torture was worse than physical. By now I had lost all my nails, been tortured with electroshocks and whipped until I would lose consciousness. But none of that was nearly as excruciating as the mental torture.

The peacekeeper would torture children in front of me, kill innocent people and present them to their family persuading me that it was my fault for not talking.

Death seemed like a savior to me once again, but I did not have the power to decide over it anymore.

I caught myself regretting my behavior toward Haymitch. Should I have forgiven him when he had approached me? Maybe we could have built a decent relationship or at least some kind of satisfying coexistence. But now I would probably never know. Actually I did not even know where he was or in which state. Should I worry about him?

Honestly the person I really yearned for was Gale. I missed him and the feeling of safety connected to him.

And I missed having fun with Cressida and the crew.

Ironic that the people I longed for were all not blood-related with me.

"(f/n)?" Was my mind mocking me now by imagining Gale's voice?

"(f/n)! I'm so glad that you're alive!"

I opened my tired eyes seeing him right in front of me. But was it real? Or had the Capitol found a new form of torture for me? Illusions were not the greatest challenge for them.

"On our first day inside the forest you whispered something into my ear. What was it?", I asked him.

"You're pretty sneaky, aren't you?", he replied with a soft smile.

Tears blurred my vision as I realized that it was the real Gale. Safe. Finally safe. Whatever was going to happen now, he was here and would do everything in his power to protect me.

"So you wanna come with me now?", he joked while showing me the key for my chains.

"Depends. Do I have to face Haymitch?", I chimed in.

"Don't worry. You can stay with me after you recovered", he promised.

"What about Katniss?"

I noticed how he tensed up. "Won't work out with her."

My chains fell to the floor resembling my regained freedom, although I did not feel free at all. Because after everything that had happened I could not help but wish for Haymitch to be with me as well.

When Gale pulled me from the chair into his arms the relief of getting out of here moved to the background and I got aware of my wounds and the pain again. Despite resisting I drifted into the darkness.

When I came back to my senses I felt like I was floating. In reality I was lying in a comfortable bed and was drugged with painkillers.

My head turned to the side where I saw someone sitting beside my bed. "EffieTrinket?"

She took my hand into hers. "Sweetheart. I'm so glad you're awake. You slept for three days straight."

"Three days? Where's Gale?", I wondered.

"Busy right now, but he visits you every day", she enlightened me.

I nodded absentmindedly. Painkillers were a great thing. Nothing hurt, at least physically.

"I'm not meaning to be rude, but what are you doing here, Miss Trinket? You don't even know me", I noted.

"You can call me Effie, dear. And I might not know you, but I do know Haymitch. I could not let the possibility of meeting his niece slip, could I?"

"I doubt that. After all he himself never had the intention to get to know me."

"That's not true. He's pretty harsh most of the time, but he cares for you. You should have seen him when you disappeared. It was bad the first time but even worse the second. He was seriously upset and felt guilty about failing you. I know him for a while by now and I have never seen him worry about anyone that way, not even Katniss."

Effie's words took me off guard. Could I believe her? She had no reason to lie to me if her words were not true.

Effie watched me for a while before handing me a letter.

"Haymitch wanted me to give this to you. Of course, it is up to you if you read it or not. But I'm sure it would mean a lot to him if you read it", she suggested. "I will give you some privacy now."

I stared at the letter as Effie had left the room. My curiosity and hope were too high to not read it. So I opened it hesitantly.

"Hey (f/n)!

I'm glad you decided to read the letter. Sorry that I'm not talking to you personally, but after everything that happened I just couldn't face you.

Currently I'm back in district 12 together with Katniss. I said a lot of cruel things to you and treated you like shit your entire life. Honestly I never considered your point of view until now. You don't know it, but you look very similar to your dad Rylan.

Seventeen years ago you lost your parents and grandparents. It must have been rough for you, all on your own. I lost myself completely in their death. Your dad has always been my greatest support. So it hurt me to see you. You reminded me of what I lost. I never considered that you could actually give me a part of him back by staying with me.

Deep down I knew that I cared for you but I could not let you get close. I was not strong enough to handle it. In the end maybe it's been for the best. Snow might have killed you too if he had known about our relationship.

But even though I'm sorry for everything I did for you, you don't have to forgive me. Honestly I don't expect you to read this letter after I disappointed and hurt you time after time. But if you read it, thank you.

I don't wish for you to stay out of my life. So it's up to you to decide. If you want to see me, you know where I am.

Thanks for being patient with me.

Your uncle Haymitch."


For now this is the end. Maybe I will continue the story someday if you would like a sequel. Anyway thanks for reading my story. I hope you like it.

In the Shadow of the Mockingjay - Haymitch Abernathy x Niece ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now