« twelve »

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Checking himself out in the mirror one more time, Taeyong decided to head out of the house. Looking at his phone, he checked the address of the cafe before slipping his phone into his coat pocket. He had no idea why Johnny and Taeil wanted to meet him so urgently but still went since he had nothing better to do. The streets weren't too busy, and the sky had lightened up after yesterday's weather. Upon reaching the place, a sudden wave of worry flooded him, but he decided to shove it away and push the door open. He was greeted with warmth, and immediately spotted his friends sitting by the window.

"What's up you two?" he greeted them.

"We need to talk," simply responded Johnny, making Taeyong more nervous and confused.

"Ok stop looking so intimidating, it looks like we're bullying him," scolded Taeil before facing the youngest. "Taeyong, take a seat please."

Obeying, he sat down in front of them as their eyes stared at him. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"So the thing is, you've been very quiet, looking stressed and tired all the time. We're worried for you because you don't even speak to us about anything that's going on," replied Johnny.

Baffled, Taeyong didn't know what to reply with as he simply stared at them. Taeil decided to speak.

"And we know how you've been telling us from time to time that you feel lonely and want someone to listen to you, but we never took you seriously," he paused for a second. "Honestly, we're sorry for taking it as a joke when it isn't. But if you're feeling like that we'll listen to you from now on."

Taking a moment to process this, Taeyong shook his head. "I know that you're acknowledging my feelings now, but I can't talk to you about it because I'm confused about it as well."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Let's be honest; me feeling lonely sounds stupid. I have nice people surrounding me, so why should I? The main cause of concern isn't there, but it's the fact that I feel lonely because I have no romantic relationship. No one to share deep feelings with, no one to care for and someone to return it to me. Now, I seek comfort from someone who I don't know, because he isn't even real."


"I see Taeil Hyung with his boyfriend and Johnny Hyung with his girlfriend. But for me? I'm just constantly alone. And I know I sound pathetic but I struggle to make friends since I'm not social like you two."

Johnny tried speaking. "Well, we could help you find someone—"

"I don't know who to trust or not, I'm scared of being hurt by someone who I'll grow attached to. Now, I'm attached to someone in my brain who will never come real and never love me because he's a figment of my stupid imagination."


"But do you know what hurts me more? The fact that my brain has managed to convince me that he's real, and not some random person I created. I keep thinking about him, imagining us together. I sound delusional, I know, but I can't help it."

By then, his hands were balled into fists as he tried to stop himself from shaking. He bit down on his lower lip so he wouldn't cry. He felt hopeless and vulnerable. Why was he so sensitive? Taeil and Johnny just sat there with shock, not knowing how to respond. Taeyong was not the type to suddenly blurt out everything, and guilt was creeping up for not listening to the male sooner.

They noticed Taeyong sharply stand up. "I'm sorry, I'll be leaving."

"Wait, Taeyong you can't just leave like this. Let us help you," protested Johnny as he got up as well.

However, the male didn't listen as he briskly walked out the cafe door and into the cold spring day. He kept his head down and could hear Johnny yelling for him, but he didn't care. The gale blew harshly as its whistles passed through the roads like an echo. It was almost as if it was calling for Taeyong.

"I'm losing my mind, aren't I?"

As he was walking, Taeyong wasn't aware of his surroundings as he walked mindlessly. Suddenly, he bumped into a taller person, whose instinct was to immediately wrap their arms around Taeyong's waist and pull him close. Surprised at the interaction, he felt his face getting warm with the embarrassment of accidentally walking into someone. He didn't look at the stranger, eyes glued to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there and—"


His heart skipped a beat. This stranger just called out his name. With furrowed brows, he looked up to be met with the eyes of an angelic being. Only, this angelic being was someone he was familiar with, someone he knew very well to the point it hurt him. His features were unmistakable; the silky black hair, curious, sparkly eyes that had an endearing look, his plump lips that were pulled into a smile.

"Doyoung? But how?" he was speechless.

"I don't know how either, but at least we met." His bunny smile made Taeyong's heart melt instantly.

"I never thought I'd get to meet you. I didn't even think you were real, just my brain tricking me into believing that." He subconsciously placed his head against Doyoung's chest and hugged him.

"I knew you were real, and I was right. I finally get to see you, my angel."






la fine.

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