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After an exhausting day at university, Taeyong decided to tell his job that he was sick and wouldn't be working that day. Johnny asked if the male wanted to go for drinks later in the day, but Taeyong refused politely. All he wanted to do was curl into a little ball on his bed and sit there doing nothing. He wasn't in the mood to do anything, and the simple task of walking home seemed tiresome, so he took the bus.

Upon entering his home, the plain white walls of his apartment greeted him. Everything was in its usual place, nothing new or exciting. Most things were tidy, so he didn't have to clean up too much. Since he wasn't in the mood to eat anything, he decided to make himself a mug of tea. He sat curled up on the beige sofa in the living room and stared out into space. As he sipped his tea, his phone rang, and he checked the caller ID before picking it up.

"Hi, mom!"

"Taeyong! Darling, how are you?" a cheery woman asked on the other line.

"I'm fine, mom," lied Taeyong. "How about you?"

She sensed the lie yet decided to leave it. "Oh, you know, just the usual. I barely hear from you, and you don't even bother to call me," the mother huffed.

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy with work."

The woman could hint something off about the way her son spoke. "Sweetheart, did something happen? You sound; upset."

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just stressed, that's all."

The woman sighed. "You think you'd get away with lying to me? Tae, I'm your mother. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine, but speak to your friends, alright?"

"Yes, mom.~"

"Whilst we're on the topic of friends," started his mom, sounding slightly nervous. "Have you made any new ones yet? You're still fine doing well with Taeil and Johnny, aren't you?"

"Mom, calm down. I haven't made any new friends, but some people come up to me sometimes and have small talk. Me, Johnny and Taeil Hyung are still good friends. Don't worry too much about me, please?"

"How can I not worry when my baby lives away from me, hm?"

Mrs Lee knew her son wasn't the best at making friends and found it tricky to adapt to a new environment that was unfamiliar to him. She also knew Taeyong was a child at heart and needed people to look after him. That was why she wanted Taeil and Johnny to stay close with her son.

"You must be tired. I'll leave you alone for now. Take care, sweetie, ok?"

"Yes, mom. Bye, I love you!"

"Love you too, darling."

Hanging up the phone, Taeyong exhaled and placed the phone next to him. The apartment seemed too quiet for him. He missed living with his parents, where they would joke around and make the house seem lively. Despite living there for two years, adjusting to being alone was difficult. Although he wasn't the most social person, he still wanted someone to keep him company, listen to things he couldn't tell his friends, love and appreciate him.

"Someone like that isn't meant to be with me."

As he snapped out of his zoning out session, his eyes focused on his desk. His iPad was open to a drawing and editing app, with the electronic pen sitting next to it. He was a big fan of digital art and could make many art pieces himself. An idea came to mind.

"Who said I couldn't create my friend?"

Putting on his headphones and leaving his playlist on shuffle, he got to work on sketching out what his new friend would look like if he were real. He could visualise it in his head, so all he had to do was draw it out. The imaginary friend he drew had silky black hair that fell loosely over his eyes. He had a gentle face, big eyes and plump pink lips with a charming gummy smile.

"He looks like a bunny!"

As he was drawing, he was giving his character a profile and personality.

"He's going to be a year younger than me but taller because yes. Protective and sweet. Nags a bit and can sometimes be sassy. Caring, likes to tease people. He loves cuddles and kisses. Is willing to give cuddles and kisses."

When he sat back against his chair, he stretched a bit before looking down at what he had created. Taeyong smiled softly as his fingers traced the edge of his iPad. The boy in the drawing was something Taeyong was proud to have drawn, and all it was missing was a name. Tapping his pen against his chin, the male thought for a bit before coming up with something. His pen swirled around as he wrote in pretty, fancy letters on the blank side.

"Kim Doyoung."




"My new friend."

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