"chapter 33: unwell feeling"

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Hello audience, before i start i would like to ask everyone reading to support my other novel Little Miss Perfect No Longer, if your enjoying this then im sure you'll like that too! Lets get started now~

Roxanne: huh? Father? Your suppose to be in bed resting!

Edmund: my dear daughter i am completely fine, my wounds have healed and the doctor told me there were no signs ot sickness in me any longer

Roxanne: you must still rest...

Edmund: i get your worried but do not fret, your father is much more strong than you think he is

Roxanne: if i think your strong now i wonder how strong you really are then

Edmund: haha, lets get inside...someone is waiting

Roxanne: oh? Who may that be

Edmund: come inside and see

Savanah: suprise roxy!~

Roxanne: aunt savanah! Its been so long!

Savanah: well it has been tough for us to adjust to the new kingdom

Roxanne: i hope things hasnt been too hard

Savanah: haha, sweet as always..

Edmund: lets get both of you inside

Savanah: doesnt sound like a bad idea!

Roxanne: so aunt, what brings you here all of a sudden? You dont visit often...

Savanah: is it bad i wanna see my dear niece after so long? Fufu im hurt

Roxanne: haha, ofcourse not! I missed you aswell..

Savanah: oh would you mind telling me a few stories? Perhaps you and the new emperor have something going on~

Roxanne: very amusing aunt but there is nothing between me and the emperor. Nothing but mere friendship

Savanah: i see....dont tell me your worried i'll rat on you? Im your aunt so theres nothing to be scared of!

Roxanne: but its quite true, nothing is up between us haha

Savanah: i see...would you be a dear and tell me about ehat you've been doing?

Roxanne: well....working, sleeping, eating....working.....hanging out a bit with some old friends..

Savanah: oh and who are these new friends on yours?

Roxanne: (i wasnt finish...)

Hikari's mind: i get she misses me and i miss her too and all....but isnt she going a bit too fast? Theres plenty of time to get to know me again...

Roxanne: lilac marine...cole valenture....and i guess those 2 only, theyr the only ones im close too haha

Savanah: how about the emperor?

Roxanne: i only talk to him when its work related...hey aunt may i ask?

Savanah: yes darling?

Roxanne: you seem....you seem very interested in the emperor and mines relationship....why is that?

Savanah: a-ah.....uhm well......

Hikari's mind: why is she freezing up

Hello everyone, i hope you enjoyed todays chapter!

After so long you finally see savanah, after a long dissapearance hehe.

Thanks all for the love and support! Im glad that we reached so many stars!!

And as always


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