"Chapter 12: whats going on?!"

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When edmund came back, he became less busy and spent more time with roxanne. And that was 9 years ago, roxanne is now 17, turning 18 in a month.

Edmund: roxanne, where are you?

Roxanne: over here

Roxanne evolved to cute, into beautiful.

Ralph, annie and edmund: we must protect her.

Hikari's mind: whats up with them....

Roxanne: waa~ look at the these flowers, they're almost in bloom!

Ralph: you seem to be right my lady, they are quite in bloom

Roxanne: ah! It reminds me, can we go to the festival today?

Edmund: the festival? That festival on the village?

Roxanne: yeah! That one, can we?

Edmund: you can but i cant

Roxanne: huh? Why not~

Edmund: i have to meet up with the emperor today and discuss some things

Roxanne: awe, then i'll just follow you

Edmund: its alright, you can go to the festival, the emperor does not like it when other people listen to his discussions when he did not invite them

Roxanne: alright alright~

After roxanne and edmund chatted, edmund departed and roxanne got ready, after getting ready she went to the marine household to get lilac

Roxanne: LILAC~~

Lilac: lady roxanne!

Roxanne: i told you to call me roxy, jeez im hurt

Lilac: ah right, sorry...anyways, what are you doing here roxy?

Roxanne: here to bring you to the festival

Lilac: oh? I was just about to go to you're place and invite you aswell

Roxanne: looks like ww both have the same mind fufufu

Lilac: it seems so hehehe

Roxanne: anyways, LETS GO~

Lilac: ah right, see you mother! Father!

They went in the carriage and went to the festival

Roxanne: lilac come on~

Lilac: yes yes

Roxanne: look lilac! There are some skewers, lets get some!

Lilac: oo~ i love those!

Roxanne: same here! 2 skewers please!

Salesmen: coming right up

Lilac: mmm~ these are so good!

Roxanne: arent they?~

Lilac: look roxy! Lets win some teddy bears!

Roxanne: right!

As they were both walking, roxanne bumped into someone

Kallisto: roxy? Are you okay?

Roxanne: ah! Kallisto! Im good and nice too see you here-

Kallisto glances at lilac

Hikari's mind: here comes the moment of truth, This is where they'll fall inlove~!!!!!

Kallisto thenngives lilac a fmdeath stare and lilac seems annoyed by kallisto's presence

Hikari's mind: whaat? Why dk they look....annoyed at eachother?

Kallisto: seems like you were with a bug

Lilac: im sorry? If you mean a butterfly then thank you

Kallisto: i was thinking of a caterpillar but yes

Lilac's mind: this little...

Kallisto: get away from her

Hikari's mind: WHATS GOING ON HERE??!?!

Did ya'll like the plot twist?
Anyways here is chapter 12! Hipe you like it and i tried my very hardest to put my thought into this~

Anyways thank tou guys again for the support, good bye and see you all in the next one~

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