"chapter 27: its time"

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It has been 2 and a half years since that day, roxy has just turned 21. She has been planning and preparing for the rebellion with kallisto and edmund the past years. The three of them alone were not strong enough to fight the emperor due to nobles backing him up. But they were determined that they can win.

Roxanne: are you sure.....this is a good idea?

Kallisto: are you perhaps uncomfortable

Roxanne: ofcourse not its just....im worried..

Edmund: there is no need to be worried we'll win for sure

Kallisto: agreed, lets get going.

Edmund: very well. roxanne, come with me

Roxanne: about that....

Edmund: whats the matter?

Roxanne: i was thinking of going alone....


Roxanne: ofcourse i do its just......let me explain

Edmund: fine, but if it isnt a good explanation your going with me.

Roxanne: so here is the thing, if me and dad go together then the emperor will target ME and use me as a threat. But if i split up with dad, the emperor will think you left me behind and go to the duchy. there, the servants will trigger the catapult and destroy the remaining bombs to create a huge explosion. Thats half of the knights down from the emperors side.

Kallisto: its still risky

Roxanne: going with dad is even more risky, if i hide well enough, i wont be caught

Edmund: and how will u do that

Roxanne: eheh, glad you asked. Tada!

Kallisto: the imperial knights suit?

Roxanne: hey! Whats with the face? Anyways yes, since there are alot of knights, they wont have time to know who died and who didnt, once someone who is female dies, i'll swoop in and try to "protect" the emperor, then leave it a~ll to kallisto

Kallisto: ......you're grace?

Edmund: fine


Edmund: i trust you roxanne, you must not let me down

Kallisto: your grace you cant accapt this!

Edmund: roxanne worked hard to be very strong, and this is the only way to see if she is worthy of my bloodline. She can do this

Kallisto: !-

Roxanne: please kallisto, trust me, this will work

Kallisto: -sigh- very well

Roxanne: thank you very much, well then. Lets start

A few moments later, they prepared and went onwards to face the emperor, sure enough, there were over 500 knights infront of edmund. the other remaining 500 were protecting the emperor, roxanne went into the bushes and tried to make her way near the emperor without getting caught. Kallisto in the other hand went the other way and get infront of the main target, also known as the emperor himself.


Hikari's mind: there....surely are alot of knights here, all i need to do is make my way to the end and wait for a female knight to fall....

Bushes start to move

Hikari's mind: someone here!.....

Cole: w-woah now, its just me!~

Roxanne: .....cole? What are you doing here.

Cole: look, i've known you for quite some years, dont think im goong to let you do this on you're own

Roxanne: cole get out of here

Cole: no, i wont. You'll die if i do

Roxanne: i know what im doing cole, if you want to help go to my father, he needs more backup.

Cole: ...-sigh- what will you do woth that then?

Hikari's mind: what?- ...is that.....a sniper...

Cole: im sure ur well aware that imperial snipers can locate anything do you?

Roxanne: .....

Hikari's mind: shit, i didnt think this through...

Cole: take the left route.

Roxanne: huh....what?

Cole: i'll go in and distract, you go to the left route, the left route is abandoned and isnt being watched, its a bit longer but its the safest choice

Roxanne: wait- what do you mean by distracy?!

Cole: its fine, my family is known for their shield

Roxanne: still! If we lose you'll be charged for treason!

Cole: and? You think i care? All i care is ur safety, i wont stop you from rebelling but for the love of god keep urself safe dammit!

Roxanne: cole....

Cole: just go, i'll be fine, i have the help of miss lilac

Roxanne: Lilac!? Lilac is here?!

Cole: yes, and we have backup, you're not alone in this roxanne.

Roxanne: .....dont die got it

Cole: roger that

Roxanne: i'll kill you're ass if you do.

Cole: ......now then, lets make my big entrance shall i?

Cole: hey!~ arent you the knights that are suppose to protect the emperor?

Knight: w-who the hell are you? Whay are you doing here, this is a restricted area!

Cole: dont be so rude, i get that im on the enemies side but really? Too much sir

Knight: enemies is.....hah! So you're on those bastards side huh?! You're so dead....

Cole: hmmm, am i? Lets get started then.


i havent checked wattpad in awhile and wow we have 7k+ readers! I wonder what would happen if this novel ended right here right now....just kidding! Still a few more chapters till this finishes

Thank you all for you're support and i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

And JUST because i was gone for awhile does NOT mean i forgot

Like always


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