chapter 7

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Good intentions and kindness aren't enough to run a society, corruption is inevitable

Villains are weird and to think I am possessing one is even weirder . In any kind of magic fantasy novel the main villain would be a ruthless psycho and an utter moron at the same time getting caught up in emotions of love or hate . Only successful because of the status that they were born in . Exploring those emotions would be a foreign concept to me . As long as I cared , a good story doesn't need a villain but a good villain needs a story . because you don't need a reason to be a hero 

 Maybe you were born that way , hating the ground that you stood on from the moment you opened your eyes . I highly doubt it .

The villains with sad and pathetic backstories are the worst , the world treated you badly so you made that everyone else's problem .

Despite getting the status and power you desired it wasn't enough it'll never be enough .Status and power aren't what you want, it's what you need . a way to make sure to not be hurt again, a way to reassure the sacrifices in the way are worth every blood sweat and tears . 

The children that are orphaned the homeless people who lay starving waiting to die high on alcohol to numb their pain frostbites creeping in their fingers war veterans with their arm and legs missing for their "honor" and "glory" but yet again these tragedies aren't directly caused by the villains

"If only the world was better , if only the world treated me differently I wouldn't treat it so harshly''. But what they don't realize is that they have the power to change the system, they have the power to be loved, heck they have the power to kill and destroy thousands of peoples lives at the snap of their fingers  why not . 

 It's because they can't see others' struggles and pains . they choose to ignore others while wallowing in self pity . perpetuating this cycle of abuse violence and hate but not using their power to stop or at least lessen their impact. Their willful ignorance is what frustrates me .

To forget everything that you fourth for to ignore the troubles that have fallen on his hands that's what makes a villain . a villain to not only push the story along but to be an reflection of what the hero would lose if he stray down the wrong path and a measure to see how far along the had gotten from the starting point of the story

These villains are human, let us not forget . but their past haunts them because they refuse to live in the future . they needed to change with the times instead they stubbornly stay at exactly the same spot . Getting angry because people are leaving but refusing to follow them or even forge their own path just standing in the middle of a fork in the road 

creators note : i won't be uploading tomorrow so double update today . next chapter will clear thing out from this one

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