chapter 14

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obviously the gods been coaching the girl there is no other reason why the guards would be gone when she arrived

 but what about the guard what would be their purpose i highly dough that a light magic user would steal the McGuffin . i mean there is probably one in every century or so the chances of 2 people with light magic being born is exceptionally rare or just straight up impossible.

ughnn also that stupid princes last line ...

what about his fiancé is Agatha Ariston his fiancé

have i been accidently seducing his fiancé ... well that's great now the lover boy with trust issues hates me even more . gosh darn F.U.N is going faster down the drain than my will to live impressive 

in the novel Agatha would be the typical bully who would inevitably targets the heroine Mary Linainia . i didn't realize then because in order of respect Mary always called and referred to Agatha by her last name and the only person who was powerful enough to call her first name Agatha was the prince

in the end she had faced a depressing death by commiting suicide 

one of her main insecurities was that she lacks any magic and the young age of 7 it was discovered that she was an affair baby . She hadn't even seen her fathers face since then and the only person who'd stayed loyal to her was her nanny before she had also passed .

 as a magicless person it was hard for her . to gain respect she focused on being intelligent and diligent being at the top of her class next to Augustine. She had hoped that by proving herself she could finally be accepted back in the dukes household .

 but when Mary came along the praise and and attention on her shifted to Mary the new light magic user and jealousy erupted. Soon at the end of the prom party Agatha bought a potion from one of the Asarath kingdom witches to poison but she soon was caught and sentenced.

 for her it was un fair that a light magic user stated to steal all of the hard work and diligence she had put in. especially when the prince stated to show huge amounts  of favours for Mary . 

before Mary tagged along Augustine and Agatha got along splendidly even thought their marriage was for political reasons  they were both abandoned children who suffer from high expectations and would always yearn for love that was never theirs . They would or could never be together but they still were good friend and would be great rules of the land 

like stated earlier this friendship ended bitterly everyone was hurt. 

at the end in order to humiliate her and get the publics public's opinion  on his side Augustine revealed to everyone publicly that Agatha was an affair child as now she is still under the Ariston name and accused her of conspiring with Agarhat kingdom  and that Agatha was a dark magic user by trying to poison the holy saint .causing every one to turn their back on her .

This was done to break their engagement

Since Agatha's brother the successor of the Duke dom was in heroines little party they got away with this . as he had stayed  quiet  causing suspicions because her house  did directly  denied  the accusations.

She had died in shame alone freezing

Having her status  revoked

it was a tragedy and not even at the end of the novel too

. later on when augustine learns that Agatha was truelly a non magic user  he feel immense guilt and refuses to marry Mary despite the overwhelming pressure to do so it was said that he visited Agathas grave ever day during  the month that she died .

Later on and obviously off screen he learned to cope and accepted that it was his fault . in Agatha's honor Augustine worked on laws and ways to welcome magicless people and accept them with out discrimination even naming his first born Agatha and finally married the heroine  . 

i reincarnated as a villain of a romance novelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora