Chapter 23: 'Break'

Start from the beginning

"Luz, mija, what's wrong?" Camila asked.

Luz stood still, she didn't talk. Instead, she shook her head and looked down, letting out a sob. Camila put her book down, not caring to bookmark it. She got up and sped walked to her daughter to give her a hug.

Luz hadn't hugged her mom in a while, it felt nice. Luz let herself cry into her shoulder, she needed a hug right now.

If she was being honest, she wasn't thinking about Amity, she was thinking about him. He's the reason she's crying, he's the reason that her mom has to work so much. And he's the reason she's mad at her girlfriend.

But, she still loved him, because he was her dad after all.

Luz's breathing started to calm. "Mami, I don't want him back," Luz said quietly, but loud enough for Camila to hear. "What's wrong, Mi Vida? It hurts to see you like this," Her mom asked, looking at Luz in the face.

Luz took a shaky breath. "Amity...said something that I didn't like. I feel stupid because I just stormed out over something small, but it hurt me," Luz said.

Camila walked to Luz over to the side of her bed where they sat. "Well, did you tell her you didn't like it,?" She asked. "Yes but no, we just mutually knew to not talk about it," Luz explained.

"Do you think she meant it to hurt you?" Camila asked. Luz thought about it. "She's always been impulsive, I don't think she knew," Luz tried to tell herself. "Luz, don't blame it on yourself if she did something wrong. You feeling a certain because of someone else's action is never your fault," Her mom said.

Luz knew she was right, but she couldn't put all the blame on Amity.

"If you think she meant to hurt you and that she isn't sorry, you have to decide if she's someone you want to keep seeing," Camila said.

"You mean, break up?" Luz asked, her heartbreaking while she said those two words. "That's for you to decide," Camila said as her last piece of advice.

Luz sat quietly for a couple of seconds.

"Is there anything else you want to talk about...maybe about your dad?" Camila asked. Luz stood up and walked towards the door. "Not today. Thank you, mama," She said before closing it.

Luz slowly walked back to her room and sat on her bed. There's no way she could break up with Amity.

But, Amity wasn't sorry, and she didn't care about what Luz was feeling. Amity lied when she said she loved her. If she did, she would be apologizing right now.

Luz felt tears stream down her cheeks and she ran her fingers through her hair, pulling it slightly. She loved Amity...she could never do that...she would never be able to do that. Luz had dealt with pain in her life before, but nothing like this. 

'I'll give her more time,' Luz said to herself. If not by the end of the day, Luz had some rethinking to do about Amity.

But 30 minutes led to an hour, an hour led to three, and three led to six. By that time, it was already 9 PM and Luz had already given up. She decided to get up and shower. The hot water seemed to let her relax for a bit. 

When she was done, she went to her room and put in a fresh set of purple pajama pants and a grey shirt. She brushed her teeth and shook her hair to get it somewhat dry. She remembered how her mom would laugh when she did that when Luz was younger.

Luz still had a towel in her hand when she heard the doorbell ring. "I got it!" She said loudly so her mom wouldn't get up.

She unlocked the door when she saw the familiar sight of a golden-eyed girl. "Ami-" She didn't even get to finish saying her name before Amity spat out a sentence. "I'm-so-so-so-so-sorry-for-what-I-said-I-know-it-was-wrong-and-I-got-you-a-gift-and-I-love-you," Amity rushed out, to the point Luz couldn't even understand her. She pushed out a basket full of things inside to show Luz.

The brunette couldn't help but chuckle. She might be mad at Amity, but she isn't humorless. "What?" Luz said between a laugh.

Amity took a deep breath this time. "I came over to say I'm sorry and that I know I hurt you," She said.

"I got you a basket full of your favorite things," Amity said, handing the basket to Luz. "You don't have to forgive me for this, but I would never mean to hurt you, I love you too much for that," Amity said as she held the hem of her jacket out of nervousness. 

Luz looked at her, and she smiled. This was Amity she was talking about, she would do anything for Luz. Luz put the basket down on the floor and walked over to give Amity the biggest hug she has ever given anyone. Luz took in everything, from how warm Amity was, to her rapid-beating heart.

They pulled away from the hug for a second, staring at each other. Luz placed a small kiss on Amity's lips. Amity kissed back, but pulled away fairly quickly. Luz was a bit confused. 

"I know I said it already, but I would never ever mean to hurt you. You're too important for me to lose," Amity explained. Luz smiled at the Blight again. "You won't lose me any time soon, love," Luz said as she gave Amity a quick kiss again.

That's when Luz felt a breeze gush inside, making her shiver. Luz closed the door behind the Blight. "Amity, you just got sick from the cold, why would you walk over here in 20-degree weather?" Luz asked. "I just had to tell you to now, it would haunt me all night if I didn't. 

"Well, I'm not letting you walk back home. You're staying the night," Luz said as she grabbed the basket on the floor. "I'm perfectly fine with that," Amity said as she smiled. 

The two walked over to Luz's room. Luz put the basket down and picked out some pajamas for Amity to change into. Amity happily took them and walked over to the bathroom to change.

In the meantime, Luz looked in the basket. She saw a cute stuffed dinosaur that Luz knew she would keep religiously on her bed. There were some small snacks that she loved, Amity really did pay attention. 

Lastly, there was a deep red envelope that had a very nice wax seal on it. Luz saw 'To my luz' written in very neat cursive in the front. She loved Amity's handwriting.

"Please don't read that yet, it's very...cringy to say the least. Do it when I'm not here please," Amity said from the doorway. Luz understood, even though she has gotten a bit better, she knew it was hard for Amity to still explain her feelings.

"Well, it's a school night, let's go to bed," Luz said with a smile, putting the letter on her nightstand. 

Amity agreed and hopped onto the bed. She got underneath the covers while Luz turned off her light. The two got comfortable in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth as the night turned cold. They couldn't ask for anything more.

Little did they know, a certain mother heard the whole thing from outside her room. She knew her daughter would pick a good one.

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