They'll win this fight together

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Joe's legs trembled as he stood in the bathroom eyes boring holes into the positive pregnancy test in his thin fingers and he had no idea how he would ever explain this to his lover, Donald. Joe's stomach churned and his legs shook as he slowly stepped out of the bathroom and nudged his sleeping lover who groaned and tried pulling him down onto the shared bed with him but Joe wouldn't budge. " to bed, love " Donald grumbled out and after a moment of silence Donald's eyes cracked open focusing on Joe who was standing there trembling. "Love... what's wrong? You're usually never this quiet?" Donald said before sitting up and leaning against their headboard rubbing his eyes. Joe mumbled out a response which couldn't be heard so Donald tilted his head in response to the man who looked like he'd break out in tears at any minute. "Sweetheart, you can tell me anything and everything." Donald stated before finally Joe sat in front of him, his hand rested atop Donald's knee. "Dear... I'm gonna tell you something and you have to promise you'll love me even after this.. till death do us part..?" Joe said in a shaky and timid voice his throat going dry as he looked up staring at Donald who slowly nodded in response. Donald wanted to know what was hurting his lover so much to the point he was almost in tears. "Donald, I'm pregnant... I KNOW the child is yours..." Joe finally stuttered out looking at everything but Donald. Joe didn't know how Donald would feel until this questioned was answered by Donald pulling him into his lap and into a tight embrace. "Joey, Sweetheart, I'm elated! Do you know how far along you are? Am I hurting the baby by hugging you? Isn't the pregnancy going okay so far?" Donald questioned still squeezing Joe in his arms. Joe couldn't help but smile and he knew just the way to calm down his lover. Joe swiftly turned holding Donald's face and pulling him into a loving kiss that would show how much he appreciated the concern for him AND the baby. Donald truly didn't know just how much he meant to Joe. Joe knew he did the right thing marrying Donald and having his child.

Donald x Joe Biden (so cute 💕) (mpreg omg)Where stories live. Discover now