🦋 Chapter 13 🦋

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" This is war and you really think about fair and unfair oh sumedh o thought you were inteligent but you are so innocent how could you think I will be good you can never win over me never because I am the only one who always wins and even this time I will only win you can not do anything " rayan said

" How do you think you can win idiot I said I am not a normal girl . I  can do many things which can't expect me to do I say your are really innocent I say idiot , asshole , mental or whatever " I said

I went near him and stabbed his stomach with the knife which I have yaa I think all are forgetting that I am a CBI OFFICER i carry weapons with me yaa I have it from starting but I didn't get correct chance to attach with it .

And now I got the chance I stabbed him with it 2 to 4 times on his stomach . He was yelling out with shock, anger , pain and yaa different emotions but I know one thing for sure that he is shocked because he can never expect me to do like this .

But what I can do that is his fault that he is forgetting that I am also a CBi agent . What ever I really feel satisfied now . I feel so relaxed like something heavy got off from me.

" You bich daughter of an asshole how dare you . What the fuck do you think of yourself you bich I will not at all leave you huu " saying it he took his gun shoot towards me

I escaped from that easily as I was already trained fir like these situations in my cbi training  so it have benifit me . I kicked him on his stomach continuesly and i started to punch him on his face blood was everywhere . He coked blood out of his mouth .

I turned other side to see my whole fighting with the left out men of rayan and now I think this is the end of rayan but I know I can't deside it . I want to kill him to the death for just kidnapping me . But what to do with him is in sir's hands .

I helped them take down the left out men . Soon all of them were lying on ground as lifeless bodies I doubt that they are dead or not . Sumedh came running towards me and hugged me tightly like as of he leave me I would vanish in to the air as smoke .

I hugged him back . We stayed like that for few minutes . He broke the hug and asked me

" How are you . Are you fine did you get hurt " he asked me

" I am fine sumedh " I said while smiling .

" Let's go to hospital . Let's get you check weather you got any hurt or not " sumedh said worrying

" Sumedh I am really fine . And now we are not going to hospital . " I said

" Why are we not going to hospital you look so weak we should go to hospital and get check up " he said

" Sumedh I am fine really . First we need to go to buero and see about rayan . And about everything that happened here and after words we can go to hospital " I said

" But --" I cut him off

" No buts and so we are going to buero and that is final and here all  know that no one can win me in any argument " I said

" Yaaa it would be great you could have become a lawyer instead of an agent " he said while rolling his eyes

" Huh what do you mean I hate you " I said while turning to other side

" Ok ok I am sorry madam forgive now we are getting late shall we go " he said

" Hmm we can go " I said

We all went to buero with rayan . We locked him in a room and currently I am in my room getting fresh up soon in 2 hours we have a meeting regarding my kidnapping and the case we are currently handling .

I got in to bathroom and sat in the hot water tub and relaxed for few minutes it has be 2 days that idiot have kidnapped me and I really felt like I was never going to get out of it .

And in this process I got to know that sumedh loves but I didn't understand anything at all if he love me then on that day in room what I saw what was it . I really need to to talk to him about it and clear all my doubts or i don't what is happening with my mind it full of mess and I need to clear the mess as soon as possible . Because I really need some peace now and I can get that only of my all doubt . He only clear those .

I got out of bathroom and got myself dry got in to one of my favourite frock which is in blue and yaa I love that frock a lot it was the first frock or I can say that the first dress that sumedh ever selected for me so that dress is very much special and important for me .

I got change in to that dress and did little make up and checked myself in the mirror . Being satisfied with my look I opend the door and went to the garden which is in backyard of the buero . I sat on one of the bench and leaned back.  After so much time I really feel RELAX  not peaceful but relax as I am finally out from that dark room .

Mallika's dress

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