🦋 Chapter 11 🦋

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" so my love i don't think they will even find that you are kidnapped may they will never find " that idiot strange man said

" Why should I even trust to i don't even know who you are and what ever you are saying may be even lies also i don't trust you ok " i said to him

" Oh darling you have to trust me because I am only one who is going look after you don't try to mess with me baby " he said

" Don't call me with those words i feel disgusting and you don't even have any right to call me those words " i said really feeling so disgusting when we're he class me that

" Oh what words baby darling love sweetheart , beautiful or what " he said making me more angry

" Ok said not to call me with those names especially from you mouth which makes the. Useless and loose their value " i said

" I will call and I don't think you will nor can be able to stop me you are a prisoner here in my place this nor you place to rule it is mine and I will rule here whatever I say is here final no one dare to say no to it it object it . Do you understand " he yelled making me flinch

I did not respond to his anser that he shouted again

" Do you freking understand it or not " he yelled but this time more louder than before

" Yes.. " i said while really getting scared of him

" That is good now don't try to mess with me you cannot do anything " he said 

I did not say anything i think this is my fate who can change me fate no one right i need to accept what ever here is going on he left and all his men also so left locking the leaving me again on this darkness i never thought that my life will take a turn . I can do only one this is just hope for the help . Which I don't know weather i will get or not but i still hope for it . Who ever i love i always lost them i lover my parents a lot more than anything in my life I lost them in a bomb blast that blast changed my life once where i lost hope of living again i lost my parents whome I loved a lot that I can give anything for then . On that day they died because of me o ly I childishness because of me only because of me tears started to make their way out of my eyes which I didn't care to rub away.  I still wish each and every second of my life from then that that day if could have not asked for icecream we could have not come out of the house if could have been in house . If we really stayed home on that day they would surely be with me now he all used to be happy and i wouldn't end up here getting kidnapped by a stranger . If I had a time travel i would surely go and change everything but no I don't have that chance . Once i lost all my hope sumedh came in to my life like a sunshine and brought the rays of the sun in to my darkness . He gave me hope to live he gave me trust he gave me care which I needed a lot he gave me everything expect love i thought he to loved when is took care of me when is worried when I got hurt . When he felt my pain i thought he is my everything i wanted him to be mine just mine but that to gone he loves liya and this thing once again have throw me in to the darkness which this time is everything deep that i dout my self will I be ever able to come out it . I think know . I can never forget the first meet of mine with sumedh which the one of the best sweetest memory i ever had and it will be and i can never forget it never

Flashback ( their first meet )

I was sitting on the swing in the park which the orphanage have i was alone there it has been two weeks i am here but no one plays with me or talks with me i really feel so alone here really so alone i think no one likes me here maybe they do even hate me why do they hate me what did I do i Never thought that i would be here . Mom dad i really miss you a lot i really miss you mom and dad please please come back mom please dad i badly miss you both no one likes me no one want to play with me i feel so alone please come back to me please why did you leave me alone here please come back please i want you both so badly please come back to me please mom and dad i will never again irritate or do something stupidity . Please come back to me please please i am sorry so sorry I saw a boy coming inside the park who looks like he is 2 or 3 years bigger than me he came to me and asked me

" What is your name " he asked me with a beautiful smile on his face

" I am mallika " i said smiling back

" I am sumedh " he said

Wow he has beautiful name it is really so good .

" Friends " he aske me sitting on the swing which is beside the swing i am sitting on

" Friends " i said him back

" What are you doing here all alone " he asked me

" Me Northing i just came here to play " i said to him

" Then why are you not playing " he aske me

" No one is here and i am here alone i don't know what to do that's why I am not playing " i said him truthfully .

" I Here naa play me i am also here so let's play will you play with me "  he said

" Really you will play with " i asked him exitedly

" Yes we are friends right so friends play with each other so I will yes play with you .

" Really i love you so much " i said

" I love you too " he said

Flashback ( END )

That was my best memory i have OUR FIRST MEET

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