Chapter 16~ Fireworks

Start from the beginning

"Well, after hearing from Aaron, you two sharing a room after...becoming a thing or whatever, is my last straw!"

"I wouldn't do anything to her!" Gene protested. "I'm not an animal. Plus, she and I didn't even get to finish talking! If anything, you're the one to be worried about."

Katelyn whipped her head towards me. "Is that how you feel?"

"If anything, I'm...definitely a bit scared. I appreciate your concern, I really do, but like I said before—"

She sighed. "It's...going to be okay. Right."

I held my arms out and wrapped them around Katelyn. Maybe it's a big sister thing. I've definitely been a bit nosy and protective when it comes to S/n. We broke our hug and Katelyn trudged back to her room.

"Alone at long last," Gene remarked. "Now, where were we?"

"We were going into our room where we can talk in peace." I entered our room with Gene following, closing the door behind him.

"Maybe we should've started with that."

"You think? The mood went away! Dang it, Katelyn..."

"The important stuff was already said, that's what matters. you have any hesitations about sharing a room?" he asked.

I sat at the edge of my bed. "I mean, no? You did say you aren't an animal."

His face held a warm hue. "You drive me crazy, Y/n."

"Aww c'mon, you haven't even had me for ten minutes. How do you expect to be in a relationship with me!" I teased. "Y'know, I feel like you're a lot softer than I remember. Not in a bad way, but—"

Gene placed his hands on the bed, with me in between. "Do I need to remind you of my 'underhanded tactics', as you put it?"

My temperature instantly shot up. "W-Well, it's not like you actually did anything. You were just trying to make me nervous."

"Should...I change that?"

I can be bold, too. I wrapped my arms around Gene's neck and he leaned forward, leading me to fall back onto the bed. He eventually pulled away and laid next to me.

"Y'know, I missed you a lot," I mumbled.

"Me or my kisses?" he teased.

"Gene!" I sighed. "Really, who would've thought we'd be trying us out again?"

"By the sounds of it, everyone?" he retorted. "I'm just surprised I didn't have to fight harder to get you to like me back."

"Should I have given you a harder time?" I questioned. "Maybe I'm making this too easy..."

He softly laughed. "I would've done anything to make you feel the same way about me."

"Oh? And what would that include?"

He took my hand in his, lifting my thumb up. "First off, I'd flirt with you a lot." He lifted my pointer finger. "Next, I'd show up to your place everyday so you'd fall for me just cause I'd be so close all the time. If that didn't work," he brought up my middle finger, keeping the other two up, "I'd throw pebbles at your window so you'd notice me." Then, my ring finger. "I'd send you gifts everyday. The ring finger wouldn't be able to resist."

"What do you mean by, you'd propose?"

He rolled his eyes, ignoring my question. Finally, he lifted my pinkie finger. "I'd take a page from your book and kiss you. If none of that worked...maybe that meant I'm not the one for you." He interlocked his hand with mine. "What's most important is that you're happy."

Two Sides to Every Love (Gene x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now