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Start from the beginning

"Weeeell," he drawled. "Let's just say it took a little persuading and a whole bunch of really annoying 'pleases'."

We all chuckled, and Braylin and I met eyes like we always did when one of the boys did something dorky. It was one thing that I loved about our relationship; that we always seemed to be thinking the same thing at the same time.

An idea popped into my head as I kept Braylin's gaze. I looked over at Cameron and then Jonah, giving her a wink. At first, she just stared at me but it quickly clicked. She grinned before we both turned to the boys.

I could barely register Cameron's questioning look before I shoved his head into the water. Jonah splashed in at the same time as Braylin pushed him under, laughing as he flailed his arms.

We back stroked away as the boys gasped their way to the surface, slinging water droplets from their hair.

"That was perfect," Braylin grinned, raising her hand. I gave her a high five, watching as Cameron sent me a halfhearted glare.

"We're not letting them get away with this, right Jo?" Cameron asked though he never looked away from me.

"Not a chance."

They both dove forward at the same time and Braylin and I split, swimming in opposite directions. While I was a decent swimmer, Cameron was a lot stronger than me and gradually gained no matter how fast I stroked. But when the dock caught my eye, I sharply changed direction, heading underneath it to hopefully catch Cameron off guard.

But he was quick and cut across the water and caught up with me. I hovered behind one of the dock poles, waiting to see which way he charged for me.

"We're playing this game, huh?"

I smirked. "Yep. I don't give up easily."

Cameron flinched to the left and I did too, but I didn't swim off. I knew that he would try to fake me out. He chuckled, seeing my perceptiveness.

I watched him, waiting for him to make his move. He blinked, coming up with some sort of plan that I couldn't read on his facial expression.

Suddenly, he pretended to cut to the right, but then changed direction. I continued right, swimming as fast as I could.

But an arm wrapped around my waist and I yelped in surprise.

"Nice try, but I'm not that dumb," he said into my ear as he pinned me to his chest.

I wriggled in his grasp, but his large muscles were like a prison around me. I glared at the space in front of me even though I knew he couldn't see me. But my expression quickly dissolved when he shifted in the water to keep himself floating and I could feel every muscle in his arms and chest flex against my back.

Just don't think about it, I told myself even as my breath shortened. It only muscles. It's not like that's extremely attractive or anything... But, of course, these thoughts didn't help at all.

"Bec?" Cameron interjected my thoughts, loosening his grip slightly. "Are you okay?"

Oh, great. He noticed my rushed breaths and my heart beating out of my chest.

Gently, he spun me around so I was facing me and for a moment, I forgot to kick my legs again and started to sink. He caught me around the waist, making me take a sharp breath in.

"Bec?" The genuine concern in his voice only made it worse.

"Ye...yep. I-I'm great," I breathed, trying to pull my eyes away from his but physically unable to. He held them there, not moving his eyes or his hands that still held me in the water. I didn't realize that the slight current of the lake was pushing me closer to him even though I was only swimming in place.

The soft smile on his face slowly fell, his features becoming intense. Suddenly, I wasn't just floating toward him, but he was leaning down toward me.

My breath caught. Was he about to kiss me?

This thought hadn't truly processed before our lips collided. The kiss wasn't fast and energetic like I had expected to be with Cameron's personality, but soft and tentative.

I was so shocked that I couldn't even kiss him back though I was screaming at myself to do something. Realizing that I wasn't reciprocating, he started to pull away.

No, I thought. I didn't let him get too far before I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him back down to me. I could feel his smile on his lips as I ran my fingers through his soggy curls.

A cat call broke my attention away from Cameron and I quickly pulled away, my cheeks flaming. My eyes snapped over to see Jonah and Braylin watching us from several yards away.

"Cam-bec-ca! Cam-bec-ca!" Braylin started to chant, making Cameron and, eventually, me laugh.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back up at Cam. His eyes sparkled as they roamed my bright pink face and I was a little surprised when his breaths were just as ragged as mine. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that but have chickened out."

"I thought..." I started but then swallowed to regain my thought process. "I thought you didn't date so I never told you that I liked you and..."

"No." He chuckled. "I just didn't date because no one else was you."

I looked away from him, my face literally an inferno. I hated that I blushed so easily. It must have been my quarter Irish genes that made it such a strong reaction.

"I'm going to dunk myself in the water real quick to extinguish the flames eating at my face." I went to hide my embarrassment under the water but Cam caught me, laughing as I struggled to move away from him.

"First of all, you're cute when you blush. Secondly, I think I still have the honors of pay back." I didn't understand what he meant before he shoved me under himself.

I rolled my eyes in the water, but I couldn't help the smile that was stretching across my face.

A/N So what did you think? I know that Rebecca shouldn't have snuck out but at least she realized that she and Cam were meant to be haha. I promise that she acts more Christianly later XD Also, definitely leave your thoughts, comments, and predictions hear! :) ----->

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