Chapter 10- Followed My Heart

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"Why-y did you come-e so late...? I waited-d for you so-o much but... you did not-to come..." I heard him mumble near the crook of my neck while I struggled to balance properly 

"I'm sorry-y" was the only thing I could say as always. I was scared. Scared that he'll leave me

"Stop-p saying... that-t... I don't like-e it" he replied hiccupping 

"Alright I won't say that. Let me take you home right now okay?" I asked making him nod

Somehow, I managed to bring him to my car. Helping him seat himself in the backseat, I buckled his seatbelt while I sat on the drivers seat. I drove off to his place. Parking the car in the garage, I opened the backseat's door only to find him struggling to sleep properly because of the seatbelts making me chuckle 

"CEO Kim, we are here" I said shaking him in order to wake him up but instead he just hummed in response and ending up shifting his sleeping position which looked even more uncomfortable

Taking a deep breathe, I mentally cheered myself before unbuckling his seatbelt, putting his arm around my shoulder and helping him get off the car. Geez, why is he so heavy?! Stumbling back and forth, we somehow entered the elevator. The elevator stopped at the 63rd floor. Finally entering his house, I removed my shoes making him sit on the sofa

"Why did you drink so much if you can't handle it" I mumbled

"I can... hear you" I heard him mumbled making me scoff in disbelief. He doesn't change even when he is drunk

"CEO Kim, I'll get some water for you. Don't go anywhere okay?" I asked to which he just nodded. I sincerely hoped that he would sit in one place so I went to get water but looks like I trusted the wrong person

"CEO Kim, I- CEO KIM!" Keeping the glass on the table, I rushed towards him who was trying to get inside the fish tank

"CEO KIM! No, you can't get in there! Come down!" I yelled trying to pull him back down

"Y/n! Look! It's an ocean and there are fishes too! I want to swim there!" He replied sounding like a child 

"No! No! That's a fish tank! You can't get in there! Get down!" 

After a meaningless conversation for about twenty minutes, I finally managed to get him down and made him l lie-down on the sofa. He hugged a pillow and pouted like a child with his eyes closed. My heart softened. For a moment I felt as if I wouldn't loose him

"y/n-ah" I heard him call out my name. No matter how many people called my name, it sounds the sweetest when he calls my name

"Yes?" I asked sitting by his side

"I broke-e up with Ji-woo because..." he stopped before saying 

"... because I realized-d that.... I started-d... loving-g you" Adrenal rushed through my veins, my heart started beating faster

"At first may-be... it-t was just-t lus-t but... I ende-d up loving-g you... but-t when you said-d it was a.... nothing bu-t a... mistake... I... I was-s afraid-d.... afraid to-" before he could say anything he fell asleep 

"CEO Kim, I hope you remember this the next morning..."

[Time skip: Next morning]

"Ah! Ah! Ah, my head! It hurts" He whined the moment he woke up. Sitting upwards, he tried to adjust to the bright morning sun rays while holding his head. Looking around he realized he was at his place which made him confused 

"How did I end up here? I was at the club last night then..."

"I carried you all the way here" I said making him startled 

"You scared me! What are you doing here?" He asked but instead of replying I went towards slapping him making him confused as he held his cheek


"Y/n-" he tried to stop me but I kept crying 

"Why are you always a jerk!? Even last night you said only half things and feel asleep!" I said hitting his chest but he grabbed my hands making me look at him with my teary eyes

"Which part do you want to hear? That I started loving you?" He asked making me nod. Chuckling, he wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back, burying my face in his chest

"When you said you regretted everything, I feared loosing you but when you said you didn't want to see me at the office, so I thought to resign because I didn't want to make things more harder for you..."

"You are dumb! It would've been harder if you just left like that" I replied

"Alright, I'll return to work tomorrow okay?" 

"Why not today?" I asked looking up at him

"Because, I'll take you to our first date today. Y/n, what do you say? Are you going to give this relationship a chance and help me make it beautiful like no other? Are you willing to stay handcuffed with me forever?" He asked as a smile crept on my face 

"I don't mind staying handcuffed with you forever after all... I also... started loving you" I replied hugging him tighter. He gave me a boxy-smile, wrapping his arm around me. It made me feel at ease. It felt warmer than ever 

"Taehyung..." I called his name for the first time

"Ah my heart!" He replied dramatically making me chuckle

"Taehyung! Should we raise a dog together...?" 

"I already have one but it's with my mum. I don't mind raising it together" He said

"Really!!" I exclaimed jumping around in happiness

"Oh and by the way, did I do something else when I was drunk...?" He questioned me

"Yes, you tried to get in the fish tank saying it was an ocean with fishes and you wanted to swim"


And this was just the start of a healthy and sweet relationship with two people who at first got attracted to each because of lust and pleasure which made them realize their true feelings. These few months, eventually made them love and cherish each other which they longed for. 

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