Bringing her home (Version #2)

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Purab had found out the truth and had kicked Haniska out of his life, warned her that if she ever came back that he would get her arrested.

Purab decided to bring Thapki back where she belonged. He went to her Mama's house, and when he arrived, he didn't see Thapki and Jaya Ma but everyone else was home. Though they were angry at him they were polite with him, giving him one word answers to his questions. As he was trying to figure out where Thapki was, Mama received a phone call from Thapki, stating that Jaya was in an accident and to come to the hospital. Everyone was rushing to go the hospital, so he followed them there.

They waited the whole night, they didn't even acknowledge Purab. When the police officer did their investigation, that the accident seem to be done on purpose. Then the doctors had come out and mentioned that Jaya had fallen into a coma. They couldn't tell exactly how extreme her injuries were until she woke up.

Thapki was so confused, her mum was in a coma. She couldn't think, she could die. She sat on the floor in shock. Thapki fainted in shock, so Purab quickly grabbed her in his arms, and decided to take her home. "Where are you taking Thapki. Give her to Anshul and he will take her home" stated Mama

"Sorry, Mamaji, but Thapki will be going home with me."

"No! She will not!" answered Mama

"She is still my wife. So I will take her home and bring her in the morning." stated Purab.

"You left her!" yelled Anshul

"I am sorry! That was a mistake! I promise I will make it up to her!" yelled Purab

The nurse came out, and told them to keep it quiet.

Finally, Mama signaled to Anshul to let it go. Purab left the hospital with Thapki, while Anshul left with his mother and sister.

Purab came home with a sleeping Thapki, and everyone was happy but got scared at her condition. Purab told them that Jaya Ma was in the hospital, and in a coma. Everyone was shocked to hear the news. Purab then said "Good night" and went to his room.

He laid Thapki on the bed and covered her. He changed and sat on the sofa. He watched her until he finally fell asleep.

The next morning Thapki woke up confused, she was in Purab's room. She quickly went the washroom and got refreshed. She quickly left the room, as she came down the stairs, Dadi noticed her.

"Thapki, beta. How are you feeling?" asked Dadi

"I am fine. Thank you. And how are you Mrs. Singhania" asked Thapki

"Mrs. Singhania? Beta, I'm your Dadi" said a tearfully Dadi

"Sorry, Mrs. Singhania. We have no other relationship. Thank you for letting me stay here for the night. But I promise I will never make this mistake again." stated Thapki

Thapki started to leave, when she heard Purab yell.


Thapki turned around and looked at him. Everyone else started to come out their rooms too.

"Yes, sir." asked Thapki

"What is this sir. Purab." said Purab

"No. The only relationship we have is that I am your former employee. You are sir."

"You are my wife!" stated Purab.

"Not for long. Send the papers and I will sign them." said Thapki

"Bhabi." said a crying Sargum

"Sargum, you are ok?" asked a surprised Thapki

"Yes Bhabi. I am so sorry" cried Sargum

"Its ok. Now, the Bhabi and Nanad relationship is over but we will have a new relationship...Will you be my friend?" asked Thapki

"Thapki!" called out Veena

"Yes, Veena ji." said Thapki looking at her watch.

"Thapki beta, I am sorry. I know you are angry." said Veena

"I am not angry. I have accepted it. Why are you saying sorry. There is no need. Anyway, I need to go" said Thapki trying leave.

"Thapki, you can't leave." Purab grabbed Thapki's hand and dragged her back to their room.

Purab brought her into the room and locked the door.

"Thapki, please. Forgive me. I am so sorry." cried Purab

"There is no need to be sorry. I told the truth and I was proven a liar. I have to leave. I need to go to the hospital. Then work. We middle class people can't afford to take time off whenever we feel like it." stated Thapki as she left the room.

"Thapki, we got married and we will be staying married. You may have given up, but not me. I am not giving up." stated Purab

"You already gave up" said Thapki

"Bhabi, I am so sorry. All this happened because of me! You told me to tell everyone but I was so scared. And Haniska took advantage of that." said Sargum

"So you found out it was Haniska. Wow!" clapped Thapki "So who had the black heart, Veena ji? Either way, not my business. I need to see my mother." stated Thapki.

"Let's go!" stated Purab

"I am not going with you!" yelled Thapki

"Since I am disputing the divorce, the courts will automatically, have us live together for 6 months, to get us resolve our issues. So before I get the courts involved, let try. Either you move back home or I move into your home. Lets go see Jaya Ma. Then you can decide."

Thapki gave a dirty look towards Purab. Everyone decided to go the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, they saw that Anshul had sent mama home, and was waiting for the doctor to arrive. As soon as Thapki saw Anshul she had about her mum and if the doctor had said. The doctor arrived shortly and spoke to Thapki about her condition. Purab just watched Thapki trying to figure out how to get her to forgive him. He didn't trust her, he trusted the fake evidences that Haniska had planted. He had trusted his friend over his wife, and now his wife was hell-bent on leaving him. The shoe was on the other foot, now she didn't believe him nor cared.

Anshul asked Sargum "how are you now?"

Sargum had answered, "Fine."

Anshul had figured out that they had found out the truth, so he asked "So how did Purab sir find out the truth?"

Purab looked shocked, Anshul had always called him "Jiju" even with the issue with Rohit but now Anshul called him Sir. Purab felt hurt, but he knew it was his fault in not believing in Thapki.

"When I woke up, I had asked for Thapki Bhabi. And I was told that she was kicked out the house. Then I spoke to Purab Bhai, and then we got her drunk and recorded her confession." stated Sargum.

"When did this happen?" asked Thapki

"The last couple of days. I woke up two week ago, I pretended that I couldn't remember. We got Rohit's confession, and then we went after Haniska." stated Sargum.

Thapki got pensive for a moment, then she phoned Haniska's father.

"Where is your wife and daughter!!! If I find out that they had any thing to do with Ma's accident then-"

"What, Thapki beta, Jaya had an accident? When? How is she? Which hospital?" said Mukul

"Shut Up! You have no right to ask anything! You knew about them and you did nothing! Hell, you emotionally blackmailed me into singing for your rotten daughter! I am giving you a last chance. Tell me where they are, because if I find them without your help, I will bury the lot of you! Jail will be a walk in the park, compare to what I will do you!" yelled Thapki

The Singhania's looked shocked.

"You sang at the concert not Haniska!" whispered Purab.

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