Bringing her home

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Veena's Point of View

It has been six months since Thapki was kicked out of Veena Mansion, their situation had become terrible. She even consulted her astrologist, that the person that protected the house, was no longer in the house. They figured it was Thapki that was protecting the house, and they suffered a loss in the business, that they were barely hold on to the house. When they asked Haniska to help by launching a new album, they found out that she couldn't even sing. Haniska found out that they were on the verge of losing the house, she told the truth about everything and left the house to go back to her parents. Luckily, Priyanka had recorded her confession, so they had handed that to the police.

Its has been a five months since the truth had come out. The police had arrested Anjali and Haniska, and Mukul has disappeared. No body knew where Thapki and Jaya were, and the happiness in Veena's Mansion had disappeared. Purab stayed mostly at the office otherwise he would go to Mama's house to see if there was any news about Thapki or Jaya Ma. Purab only spoke to Dadi, his dad and Sargum. Veena was regretful about the way she treated Thapki, she knew it was her fault, but she couldn't come to terms that the person she trusted turned out to be the person that hurt her family. She had stopped Haniska from leaving the house, in the end she destroyed it. The house went from beinging a home to a building that the residents just came to spend the night. Sargum had woken up a week after the truth came out. After Sargum woke up, she found out the truth, she was so disappointed with the family. Sargum got a job with Anshul, and spent her free time working.

When the truth came about, Purab had then gone to bring Thapki home, but she was no where to be found, Thapki's Mama at first wouldn't even speak to Purab, but now had started to talk to Purab when he goes over. Sargum was the one most hurt, when she found out what she did with Thapki. Sargum and Purab have not spoken to her since the incident. She couldn't believe that her mum would hurt her Bhabi like that. Purab felt stuck between his mother and his wife, and he picked the wrong person to protect. Sargum tried to speak to Anshul but he refused to speak to her at first. She understood that he was hurting, his sister and Bhua had disappeared. So then Sargum got a job as a waitress where Anshul worked so now Anshul had a cordial relationship.

Luckily, one day there was a concert for the NGO where the habitants of the NGO would sing in the concert trying to raise money for the NGO. Sargum and Purab decided to go there to see if they could find any new talent for their business.

Lady luck decided to show some light, as they had found Thapki. Thapki who had sang a beautiful song.

They had brought Jaya and Thapki home after an arguement between Purab and Thapki. Finally, Jaya became the peacemaker and stated that they will come with them now to talk.

As Thapki and Jaya walked into the house with Purab and Sangum, they stopped at the doorway. Purab grabbed both Jaya and Thapki's hand and brought them thru into the living room where Dadi, Veena, Vinod and Sapna were sitting.

Sapna saw them walk in and said "Thapki Beta"

"Namaste Auntie. Uncle"

They looked sad at the greeting but they knew it was their fault. If they weren't easily swayed by Haniska's words none of this would have happened.

Purab grabbed Thapki's hand and started to take her to his room.

"Purab ji, stop! Where are you taking Thapki?" asked Jaya.

"Ma, I need to talk to Thapki in our room. And you guys aren't leaving, so get comfortable, and rest up in your room" stated Purab

"No! We are not staying. Remember we have no relationship! I was kicked out of this family! Remember!" cried Thapki.

"I am so sorry" cried Purab. "I was trying to be good brother, and instead I became a bad husband. First I was so mad at you! I gave you so many chances to tell me the truth, but I understood your hesitation. Then a couple days after you left, I tried to figure the truth because there was something off with the whole thing. But all the evidences were coming up against you. I knew you couldn't have done, what was said but Haniska and Anjali had very strong evidences planted against you. It was only when I lost that big account and was about to lose the house, that we asked Haniska to start singing on the new album. She couldn't sing and then she told the whole truth. Since then I have been spending my free time to find you both. "

"Oh" whispered Thapki

"Everyone will talk to you, but I really need to talk to you in our room. Please" asked Purab.

Purab grabbed her hand and walked into their room. Thapki was shocked at the state of the room. It was so messy. There was clothes on the ground. Her makeup was on the ground.

"Sorry about the mess. I will clean it up. When I get frustrated on not finding you, I end up throwing everything around. Then after a day or so, I will put everything back the way it was ."

Thapki looked confused. Finally she asked "Purab, I am confused. You don't even accept our relationship. I was forced on you! You should have left things alone, and gotten your divorce. You can marry the person you want"

"Damnit Thapki! You are the one I want! I love you! I don't want anyone else in my life. I was going crazy trying to find you and you are telling me to leave things alone! I know I am not the greatest but I am trying!" yelled Purab.

Thapki looked shocked at his words.

"You are not leaving me. You can't! I can't live without you! I won't" cried Purab as he grabbed Thapki into a hug.

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