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"I am Thapki's father" said Mukul while interrupting the family's interrogation

"Enough!    yelled Thapki  "I do not recognize  you as my father.   Mamaji and Papaji are my fathers.  Where you when I needed you!  I was 5 years old when I learnt the word Bastard.  When the kids at school bullied me.    Do you know why I stammer.  I have never heard my mother speak until a month ago.  There was nobody to help me.  All I heard was taunts from Mami"  

"Thapki, beta" said Mukul

"Don't!  I am done with you and your daughter!  All you know how to do is take!   You broke your promise so I am not obligated to keep mines.  So if you daughter play games and pretend to hurt herself not my problem.  All she has been doing since the wedding is play games and I am done."

"What are you talking about Thapki?"  asked Purab.

"Mukul promised me he would never come in my mother's life or my life.  Never say that he is my father.  But he broke his promise so I will break mine.    Haniska would you like to sing?"

"What!  Are you crazy!  You were just yelling at my father!"  

"Fine.  I can sing" shrugged Thapki.

"No you can't!" Yelled Haniska

"What is this drama.  You are going to sing.  You can't even speak properly."  taunted Veena Devi.

Everyone sat down.  Haniska was sweating.  She was so nervous.

Thapki sat in front of her mother, she had her head in her lap.  

"Close your eyes baby.  Remember we are in our room.  Just us.   Nobody to bother us"  Thapki's mother whispered in ears as she ran her hands thru Thapki's hair.

Thapki closed her eyes and started to sing.

Everyone was shocked.    That was the voice that saved the concert.

"You ruined everything!  You b***h!  Why couldn't you keep quiet!"

"Because I am not you! Your father broke his promise so why should i keep it!  Besides you have trying your hardest to kick me out of this house.  Hiding the pen drive, changing the CD and other stuff.  What would you have done when I left, you didn't think I would have still sang for you" yelled Thapki.

"Yes!  Why wouldn't you, Papa would have made you agree!  After all, you are an emotional fool" sneered Haniska.

"I may stammer but I am not a fool!    How many of your plans failed" asked Thapki.

"I know!  All of them.  Hashtag #failure" said Priyanka.

"You lied to me!" yelled Veena Devi, while Purab was quietly looking at her.

"Maa ji, why would I tell you anything.  You hated me since you found out my stammer.  You call me a black omen, you even blamed me for your sore throat.    Yes, I sang at the concert.  I didn't do it for the praise.  I just wanted everything to go well."   said Thapki

"If you had told me, I wouldn't have hated you."  Veena spitted out.

"Maa ji, I wanted to accept me for who I am not what I can do.    But now, I can give your gift.  I am leaving this house.  Ma, let's go"  said Thapki

"No!  You can't leave."  yelled Purab.  "Haniska will leave.  You can't leave me!"  said Purab.

"Purab, you didn't even want to marry me.  You don't like me.  It would be better if we separate.

"Bhabi, do you realize that you didn't stammer once" interrupted Sargum

"Because I am angry.  Ma, let's go."  said Thapki.

"No!" yelled Purab  "Either you stay with me or I will come with you!  But you are not leaving me!"

"Why!' yelled Thapki "I'm just an obligation to you.  A duty" 

Purab grabbed her hand and dragged her to their room.

Purab pulled her in, and locked the door. 

"What is going on, Thapki?"  asked Purab  "I want to know the truth, from the start."

"Purab, leave it." said Thapki

"Thapki, truth! Now!"

"Fine!  You want the truth.  I will say it but don't get mad!  You have to promise!"

"Fine! I promise" said Purab.

"So our wedding, the name plates were exchanged.  That happened on purpose.  And Haniska knew about it.   She was given a cheque and a place at the London School of Music.  
Then, she left, and I came into this house as the bride.    Then Maaji found out about my stammer.  I wished she could have accepted me but this is reality.  You didn't accept me but you kept me in this house as your bride.  Then Haniska came back, at the concert.  I didn't know she would show up at the concert.  You see I have a hard time singing.  As you saw, I had my eyes closed earlier.   I sang at the concert but I had my face covered.   Then you wanted to uncover who sang, and I panicked.  And I left the stage, where I had met Haniska, and she guessed that I had sang for the concert.  I had mentioned that I couldn't get discovered so she took my place.  Then there was an issue at the birthday party, she was blackmailing Maaji with a pendrive, but I burned the pendrive as a gift to Maaji.   Then there was pendrive for your presentation, which she took from the drawer and it was put in the washing machine.   I even found out that the CD that had Maaji's past, she was the one that switched the CD.   It was my fault that I didn't burn it but she was one to switch it so it would get played.   And Rohit issue, she was involved.    I couldn't tell the truth at the time, because I don't have proof.  The proof is in Rohit's phone, so even if I said anything, no one would have believed me.  And when I asked her about the media issue, she turned her face away from me, so I believe that she was involve in that too.   All I know is that she has been trying to get me to leave this house since she has been back.    You can either believe me or not.    That is not my issue.   I am done.  I am leaving."

"Thapki, don't you dare!"  yelled Purab

But Thapki opened the door and ran out.   "Ma, let's go!"  Thapki interrupted the arguement between Veena and Haniska.

"Ma, you can't leave!" yelled Purab behind Thapki

"What the hell are you still doing here!  Leave and never come back!"  yelled Purab at Haniska

Thapki grabbed her mothers hand and started to leave when Purab grabbed Jaya's other hand, halting their progress.

"Ma, you can't leave!" yelled Purab

"She's my mother." yelled Thapki

"She's my mother also" yelled Purab

"Enough!  You two -  go into your room.  Jaya still needs to rest and Purab talk to her.     I want everything back to normal by dinner time. "

"Ji Mom"  said Purab as he grabbed Thapki's hand, and took her back to their bedroom.

"Thapki, please come here."   as he sat her on the sofa.

"What Purab"

"I thought we agreed to share everything 50-50.  I am trying.  I know I have made mistakes, but I am working on it.  Please don't leave me."


"Promise me.  You are not going to leave me."


"I want the words Thapki"  said Purab

"Fine, I will not leave."

"Thank you!"  Purab said, hugging Thapki.

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