Chapter 9

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She lets go of Peter's hand when they exit her office. Her squad is becoming more informed with organized crime and their progress with drug investigations into the mafia. She's impressed when they finally seem to be connecting dots between her stalker and drug laundering.

She introduces Peter to the squad, telling them that if they wish for court transcripts of Lewis's trial, and any legal advice, that he'll be working with Carisi. Her eyes land on Elliot mid conversation, and he looks at her unimpressed. She ignores him.

Peter is distracted as he moves over to the white board, arms folded, his eyes scan the photos taken from the stalker's apartment, picks up one of her and Noah, and then one with himself and Olivia in the park and he looks at her in disbelief.

Shit, she thinks. She forgot to tell him about the photos.

Rollins begins to explain, "The photos we found trace back three weeks. We don't think you're in any danger. We've been tracing his online activity and haven't come across your name, yet."

"Yet?" he asks before adding to everyone's surprise.  "My apartment was broken into this morning. Does that have anything to do with this?"

"What?" this is new to Olivia, and she perks up, shocked.

"Yea, but I didn't know that it might have anything to do with this."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I haven't even reported it yet, Liv. After the airport, I dropped my luggage off and came straight here."

Olivia rubs her forehead in desperation, before beginning to create a plan in her head. "Okay. I want a few unis to go to Stone's apartment. Look for anything unusual and pull out the security hardware in the wall next to the stairs. You should get access to the security footage."

Elliot shifts uncomfortably in his seat, rubs his forehead in frustration. He doesn't want to think about how it is that she knows the layout of his apartment so well, he doesn't want to imagine how many nights she might have spent in his bed, he doesn't want to imagine anything concerning her and this hotshot, redheaded looking lawyer with a power over Elliot that not even he expected to envy.

As the officers' scatter to investigate, the squad detectives remain the room.

Its seconds later that she sees Garland entering the precinct and with a wave of his hand, he requests her toward her office. She excuses herself, leaving Peter alone with the squad.

Almost on instinct, Peter recognizes who Elliot is as he reads his demeanor, and Elliot's response to him being here is just as inaudibly volatile, but neither man make it verbal, despite the tension that grows.

"Did you notice anything strange Mr Stone? Any footprints? Did you go upstairs, did you search?" asked sergeant Bell.

"No, no, nothing. I wasn't really thinking... I thought maybe it was just a robbery. Nothing much was damaged; it was just the padlock that was broken. A few papers thrown on the floor, draws left opened. I had cash in my office desk, but it wasn't taken. I don't know what they could have been looking for."

"So, it's likely that he was looking for the target – captain Benson."

"Did you notice anything taken?" Elliot spoke for the first time, his voice low.

Peter eyed him carefully, unintimidated by the clear and obvious contempt exposed in Elliot Stabler's eyes. Peter carefully contemplated his next words and felt a smug feeling tug at his chest as he said them.

"Yes actually. An engagement ring was taken from the draw in my bedside table."

Peter's gaze refused to unlock with Elliot's, even when silence penetrated the room and all eyes looked up at him, expectantly.

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