John's voice answered promptly. "As you wish, your majesty."

"Now... among other matters, we must discuss the upcoming raids on Aecroston's castle. I'm certain their security will be upped substantially after the first raid, so we will need to move carefully for the next venture. We will be bringing Nathaniel's brother, Samuel, to Ataven. After some thought, I've decided he will be kept alive in the dungeons. He has some valuable skills that we might make use of." Vincent spoke with certainty and confidence. Nathan's head rose a bit at the mention of his brother. He caught the eyes of one of the men, Dimlye, if he remembered correctly.

"Your majesty, what is to be done with... this one?" Dimlye gestured towards Nathan. He began to fidget with the bottom of his tie, looking towards Vincent now, dreading to hear his response.

"Nathaniel will be kept alive for as long as I see fit."

Another man spoke up, "But sire, does he serve a purpose, does he bring an advantage to us?" Nathan kept his eyes trained on Vincent. He noticed his fist ball up in his lap.

"Do you question my authority?" Vincent snapped, glaring at the man who had spoken.

"Of course not, your highness, I simply mean-"

"Keep talking, Hopkins. See how fast I throw you to the wolves for doubting me." Vincent spoke coolly now. There was no response from Hopkins. "That's what I thought." He paused, his eyes sweeping the room, as if he waited for someone else to challenge him. When no one else spoke up against him, he continued. "Men, I intend to make an example out of the 4 princes of Aecroston. After I have Samuel, we will take Elliot. I intend to have him publicly tortured to death in front of their people. And William... I will smite him myself, right in front of that daft King, as I force Aecroston to its knees."

His words landed with power, and Nathan shuddered.

Vincent Ataven

August 3rd, 6:17 PM

Nathaniel shaking beside him did not go unnoticed. Vincent smirked. Good, let him quiver. The more he feared Vincent, the easier this would be. Fear gave him power.

"Now, I have thought out a timeline for these raids. I've left plenty of space in between for us to grow stronger, plan, and get ahead. The raid for Samuel will occur on the 8th of August, Elliot's on the 14th of August, and if all goes as planned, William, and the entire kingdom, will fall on the 26th of August. I would like to stick as close to this timeline as possible. Any arguments?" It was a redundant question. They would be stupid to argue with Vincent. This plan was set in stone, it was just a formality to bring it before the council.

"Sir Kellite, on the matter of Prince Elliot's torture... I figured I would leave that to you. I need something truly grotesque, and I know you can deliver. Any ideas spring to your mind?"

The man leaned in closer to the table, folding his hands atop it. A thoughtful look crossed his face, before he eventually began to speak in a gravelly voice. "A good ole fashioned quartering always turns the stomachs... but of course that would be your grand finale... it's a strange thing, watching those majestic horses pull apart the body like that. But that'll really get a crowd going, yes it will..."

Vincent nodded. "Wonderful. But before that..." He glanced down at Nathan. He wasn't looking too well. He had sunk down into the seat, a dainty hand covered his mouth.

"Before that, well. It never hurts to remove the eyes, deglove a hand or two, and spill the intestines from the body..." Kellite paused, and a wicked grin crossed his lips. "Oh, your highness, I would love nothing more than to bring the Breaking Wheel back into fashion..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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