Telling my Mom

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"Mom."...said, Kelly

"Damn its been a long time."...said, Katherine

"How have you been?"...asked, Kelly

"Ok the way we left things the last time I don't think you would be here asking me how I've been? Considering you never called, never looked back."...said, Katherine

"It is not my fault that things were the way they were. Its your fault that dad is dead."...said, Kelly

"My fault? How?"

"I just graduated from college and yall went out to celebrate to get drunk. Yall were so wasted that you too couldn't even see the sky even mentioned that yall need a designated driver. And you said no I'm fine I'm not drunk."...said, Kelly

"Who told you this?"

"Who do you think, told me about it?"...asked, Kelly

"Your father?"

"Duh. But I am not finished you said that you were fine to drive a police officer would of asked you to breathe and to walk in a straight line. There was no way in hell that you were fine that day...because that fucking car would of not been totaled and dad would not be DEAD."...cried, Kelly

"Your father said we were good to drive."...said, Katherine

"It would be like you to lie on a dead guy. I can see where I get my fuck ups mom."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"...asked, Katherine

"It means Ben fucking cheated on me a relationship of ten years and five and a half of it was fake. And he keeps parading me around like some lost puppy looking for a bone. He keeps asking me for the house, and I told him' you have a whole sidechick or is or was your current girlfriend she has a house and your father is freaking rich have him buy you a fuckin mansion.'...said, Kelly

"Wait he's asking for the house you arent married. You have a job as a doctor which pays good money but with your hours you don't have time to buy a house and when you do have time you go home and sleep."...said, Katherine

"And that is not all."

"What do you mean, that's not all?"

"His girl he cheated on me with they were dating for a while and he introduced me to her and said hey Kelly this is my new girl Sasha. And I said this is the girl you cheated on me I told Sasha you would rather have total quiet sex instead of having mind blowing moaning out loud sex...because that is what he does his fuckin face looks like its trying to solve a math problem."...said, Kelly

"Well what else has he done?"

"He told me and the thousands of people in time square that Sasha the slut broke up with him and that he is still in love with me. Its like when I say give me space or give me time its like he gone clueless."...said, Kelly

"Well Kelly I told you that this would happen a guy like him wasnt meant for relationships he was meant for one night stands. You know what you told me when you first saw him you said ' mom I saw this really cute and said he was totally checking me out.' Now how do you know that he was looking at you or looking at you...because your ass isnt small as it used to be, Kelly."...said, Katherine

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