Chapter 8 - Josh Trainor and A Sky Full of Diamonds

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Authors Note:// The third of my 5 update chapter, also completely unrelated but Wifi has been down for a few days, was forced to socialize with my family.... they seem like nice people, the outside world is fun, has some nice graphics but the gameplay sucks -Jonathan.

~Michael POV~

Christian smiled as we arrive at my building, it was as if he didn't want me to go.

"See you later", I say to him as he smiles.

"Text me?", he says as we share a warm smile.

I felt like a teenage girl who has just been on her first date, I hurry to my apartment as I see Sam pacing back and forth. 

"Finally!", she said. 

"What's up?", I ask as she continued to stare at me.

"How was your date? Did y'all fuck?", she said as I gagged. 

"No we did not fuck, it was nice actually, he may be opening up to me", I say blushing.

"Soon that's not the only thing he's gonna open", she winked.

"Stop being gross, I'll tell you everything tomorrow, I'm so tired, plus I have a job interview tomorrow", I say to her. 

"For someone who didn't fuck, you sure are tired, also, oh my god, that's amazing, where?", she asked.

"Diamond Star Publishing Company", I say as she winces.

"Diamond Star! Oh gosh, they've been giving Elenor a run for her money since they've opened, rumor has it, Christian Grey is helping their operations so they've been getting a lot of high-end clients, my boss hates them", said Sam. 

"Good to know", I smile.

"Night", she says as I rush into my bedroom. 

What Christian said is freaking me out. Do I know Sam's secret? How come she never asked me to help her pay rent? The more I thought about it the more freaked out I became but that wasn't what was on my mind, I slowly creep towards my laptop as I booted it on. I immediately started hyperventilating. Calm the fuck down Michael, there's no way he saw it. 

I click on the folder "FSOG", was of course password and military-grade equipped so I enter the password as the folder opened, I sighed in excitement, seems Christian didn't see it, let alone open it, according to my database, no one interfered with the folder, everyone leaves a digital footprint behind so it's easy to see once you know what to do, if anyone sees this folder then I'm fucked, my biggest held secret, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling as I quickly fell asleep.

The night passed and soon it was morning, Taylor arrived at 7 am with the new clothes Christian had sent for me, they were all brand-named clothing and it felt weird just touching one of them knowing I could never afford it, on one of the clothing there was a sticky note saying "Wear me for your interview", in the typical Christian fashion, it was so like him, on another sticky note write "Wear the tie I left at your place". 

I do as he said as Taylor dropped me off at Diamond Star Publishing Company, the building was huge but the inside was even more huge, it was beautiful, there were about 4 floors in a massive building. The secretary greeted me as she led me to a huge ass office as a man greeted me. 

"Hello, I'm Leo Atlas, I'm the CEO of Diamond Star P.C", he smiled as he shook my hand. 

"Wow, the CEO is conducting this interview, how rare", I smile nervously. 

"No need to be nervous, Christian Grey owns a share of the company, I think it's only fair to abide by his request", said Leo as I sit. 

"Thanks for having me", I smile. 

"Have you ever worked in a publishing house?", he asked.

"No I haven't, this is new to me but I'm a quick learner", I say to him. 

"Most of the time we do one on one sit-downs with our clients, you don't have to worry about crowds of people", he said to me. 

"Can you tell me a little more about Diamond Star?", I say nervously. 

"I see you didn't do your research, research is very important in our line of work, preparation is key Mr. Reyes", he said. 

I gulp for a minute, it was as if the environment changed, he suddenly became very intimidating, what's with CEO's and intimidation.

"I'm very sorry sir", I say fumbling my words. 

"Diamond Star P.C is first and foremost, a publishing house, we publish novels, we also conduct interviews with anyone of interest, that includes celebrities too, we also book venues for events as per our client's request", he said as I froze.

His stare was ice cold, this man is inflicting fear into me, his eyes felt like daggers, slowly putting me into tiny pieces. I freeze up, words unable to come out of my mouth as he nonchalantly sipped his coffee. The only thought in my mind right now was him, Chrisitan Grey, he knows doesn't he? He knows about the FSOG folder, what are the odds he sent me to a publishing house, he's low key telling me 'I know what you're up to'. 

"You okay Mr. Reyes?", asked Leo. 

The door then busted open, bringing me back to reality. 

"Sorry I'm late", he said as he rushed over to Leo. 

This man, he was...

"Josh", I say in shock as we stare at each other. 

"Micheal", he said as we exchange glances. 

Josh, the random guy who came with me to the second interview with Christian Grey, that's why Diamond Star Publishing Company sounded so familiar, it was Josh who told me about it. 

"Michael, what are you doing here?", he said excitedly.

"An interview", I say to him.

"Oh, well you're hired", said Josh as Leo sighed. 

"Oh my god, really?", I say excitedly. 

"My husband intimidates our candidates, he always glances at them to see if they'll break, he did the eye thing, didn't he?", asked Josh as he gave Leo the death stare. 

"Wow, your husband and yes, he sure did", I say. 

"I look forward to working with you Michael", said Josh.

"I'm sending him to Clay, Michael can fill in for the editor we lost yesterday, he can train with Clay", said Leo. 

"Sure, I'll take him there", said Josh as he smiled at me. 

"Thank you", I say to Leo as Josh led me out the door. 

Josh Trainor-Atlas, a co-owner of Diamond Star Publishing Company, Josh seems like a fun and bubbly guy, always seem to be cracking a joke or trying to make you smile, if only I'd known back then, then maybe Josh could have been saved. 


To be continued in Chapter 9 - Chapter TEN 

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