Upon hearing this, Salvi smiled and nodded. The refitted Kitty Hawk-class carrier, formerly the USS America, is the flagship and pride of the Indian Navy, and it was treated as a strategic asset due to its power projection capabilities in the erstwhile Indian Ocean.

"Good thing those boys are safe, the last thing we need is to tell the government we lost their two billion dollar investment forever in this weird situation we are in."

Nodding, Captain Goswami continued, "However the location of the Islands have been changed. From the east of India, it is now located to the west instead, bearing 2-7-0 from INS Hansa."

Hearing this, Salvi had a moment of confusion, wanting to ask the question again as he didn't trust what he heard, but took a moment before saying anything, "That's... interesting. I suppose they would be of use in the future, continue the report."

Hearing this, Goswami flipped a page in his clipboard, and continued, "Secondly, our major overseas naval base in Djibouti has appeared in the Andaman, near INS Jarawa, and it's now expected that other bases are similarly somewhere in Indian lands."

Now this completely stumped the Admiral. An island moving to another location was somehow acceptable, but infrastructure from literally another country? That sounded like something from some random fantasy book and not real life.

"You sure this is not a joke or a typo? There is no way something like this could happen. Unless what the message from the Chief of Naval said is true, and we are really in another world."

"Admiral, we are in another world. That's why I have been attached to this fleet, to interact with the people of this world, and the country right next to us." Ambassador Sandhu spoke out, reminding the Commanding Officer of the Aircraft Carrier of his assignment while rubbing his glasses with a cloth. He then held it against the glare of the sun, turning it around to make sure there was no dust left.

"I know that Ambassador, I just need some time to get used to this. It is not everyday something like this happens. Now Captain, is there anything else left to report?"

"Yes Admiral. Lastly, the Coast Guard has sent us a request, a fishing trawler with approximately eight souls on board has disappeared since yesterday, and they are requesting us to conduct a search in the open ocean." Captain Goswami said as he finished his report and tucked the clipboard under his arm.

"I see..." Rear Admiral Salvi said in thought. "Bring up the map. The one that had been sent to us based on the photos that had been taken by our Air Force."

The maps were brought and Rear Admiral Salvi, Captain Goswami, Ambassador Sandhu and other high ranking officers were huddled around it.

"So, based on what Captain Goswami's report said, the Andaman-Nicobar Islands, and thus, the INS Chakravartin and her fleet, should be around here." Rear Admiral Salvi said as he took a pencil and made an elliptical circle, before lightly shading inside it, in an empty portion of the map. "What's our present location?"

"We are currently heading due south to this small bay area where a port town is supposed to exist there." The Navigations Officer said in reply, as he took a pencil for himself and began drawing the route plan on the map. "Based on our current speed, we should be seeing the coast in about nine to ten hours."

"So, how much of an area are we looking to cover if we have to find that missing fishing trawler?" Ambassador Sandhu asked.

"That's a very good question you ask, Ambassador." Rear Admiral Salvi said as he kept his eyes trained on the map. "At first glance, it's a pretty big area. Obviously, we did not see anything when we were ordered to make our way to the destination after we landed. That narrows the area. Unfortunately, by not much."

Summoning India: Bhaarat Sammanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن