Opening Sequence

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SonicJohnz924 Writing Presents

In Association with Warner Bros./Warner Animation Group

A John Andrews Story


Offscreen German Director: Handlung! (Action!)

Klara: Kinder des Vaterlandes, ich habe sehr traurige Nachrichten. Aufgrund der Invasion der sowjetisch-russischen Armeen müssen die Warnersteins für eine Weile weg.

Translation: Children of the Fatherland, I have very sad news. Due to the invasion of the Soviet Russian Armies, The Warnersteins will have to go away for a while.

Kristopher: Ich hoffe, die Kinder Deutschlands werden sich an unsere mutige Sache erinnern und unseren Entführern trotzen, wenn die Zeit reif ist, und Deutschland wird aus der Asche wieder auferstehen.

Translation: I hope the children of Germany will remember our brave cause and defy our captors when the time is right, and out of the ashes, Germany will rise again. 

Hermann: Lebt weiter, meine Mitkinder, und vergesst uns, den Wert des Vaterlandes, und unser großes Land Deutschland nie.

Translation: Live on, my fellow children, and never forget us, the value of the fatherland, and our great country, Germany.

(Klara then shouts the Nazi Rallying Cry)

Offscreen German Director: Und ... schneiden! (And... Cut!)


(Soviet Soldiers yelling off-screen as writers desperately destroy the film reels, but no one notices that Klara Escapes from the Production Reel)

Klara: Freiheit! (Freedom!)

However, she was grabbed by Soviet Soldiers)

Klara: Lass mich gehen! (Let me go!)

Soviet: Что нам с ней делать? (What Should we do with her?)

Soviet 2: Мы постараемся ее перевоспитать. Она познает ценности коммунизма и России-матушки и сотрет с себя нацистские пятна. (We will try and re-educate her. She will learn the values of communism and Mother Russia and we will wipe her clean from the Nazi stains.)

Soviet Leader: Затем отправить ее в ГУЛАГ в Сибири. (Send her to the Gulag in Siberia.)

ACME Labs, Burbank, California, USA, 1992

Klara: I need to find a Time machine... Hopefully there's one here...

Pinky: Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?

The Brain: The Same thing we Do Every Night Pinky. Try to take over...

Klara: The World? I know your history, Brain. You and your Partner Pinky have Failed every single attempt you have made. But I have a plan to change that?

The Brain: Who are you and what is your Plan?

Klara: My apologies. My name is Klara von Warnerstone. And this is my plan. Using your Smarts, Brain, and Pinky's demeanor, and my knowledge of German and Russian, we will build a time machine, so I can rescue my Siblings from the Soviets. I will use my Golden Iron Cross that I received from the führer himself, after I convinced him that my time hopping would help save Germany. Save my Siblings, and then Save the Reich.

Pinky: Sounds good to me! Narf!

The Brain: Of course. The Germans from the Period of 1933-1945 are the most vicious Plotters out there!

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