Lan Huan (5.441 years old:

He was the oldest son of the emperor and the crown prince of the heavenly realm. When the emperor asked his sons to choose a part of the mortal realm to fulfill a mission, Lan Huan chose the southern region to protect his beloved little brother. While in the mortal realm he got injured and almost died if not for Wei Ying saving his life. Lan Huan fell in love at first sight and after confessing his feelings he decided to spend more time in the mortal realm. But when he found out that Wei Ying was having his baby, he asked Wei Ying to marry him and took him to the immortal realm. Many years later he had to make a decision, especially after being pressured by his father.

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Lan Qiren (112.111 years old):

He was the emperor of the heavenly realm and loved his sons dearly. His only wife died long ago and he never married again. The emperor always had a certain picture in mind for the princes' futures which was shaken when Lan Huan wanted to marry Wei Ying. First, he was against it but when it was revealed that Wei Ying has the ability to get pregnant, which was very rare for a mortal, he allowed it. But when Wei Ying wasn't able to give Lan Huan the most important thing, the emperor decided to interfere and help his oldest son to secure the future.

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Wen Ning (3.900 years old):

He was a former prince of the fire realm who lost his kingdom when his stepbrother committed treason.  As a result, he and his older sister were sold as slaves. One day, when they were auctioned on the market, they were seen by Wei Ying who found such auctions barbaric and asked Lan Huan to buy them. Wei Ying set them free but because both of them had nowhere to go, they decided to stay and become servants. Ever since then Wen Ning swore loyalty to Wei Ying until the day Wen Ning died.

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Wen Qing (4.111 years old):

She was the older sister of Wen Ning and became the maid of Lan Huan. Ever since she was bought by Lan Huan, she developed feelings for the crown prince. The more she got to know Lan Huan, the deeper her feelings for him became until one day she was chosen by the emperor to help Lan Huan. Soon her life changed and she was so in love with the crown prince that all she saw was him.

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Baoshan Sanren (unknown age):

She is the oldest and most famous seer who lives on a celestial mountain secluded from the rest of the immortal world. She has many famous disciples whose she saw as her own children. No one is able to ask for her presence except for the royal family of each realm and she would only go if she wanted to. One day she was invited to the palace of the heavenly kingdom to help reveal the gender of the unborn royal baby. As she is a seer, the most famous one at that, she saw and knew more than everyone else but, of course, she is not omniscient. When 10 months later a tragedy happened she decided to help those she thought deserved the most help.

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Xiao Xingchen (unknown age)

He was sent down by his teacher, Baoshan Sanren, to make sure nothing happens during the pregnancy as well as help in giving birth to the baby. He was a calm and very friendly person who loved to help everyone in need. Most importantly Xiao Xingchen was innocent. When the tragedy happened, he was killed on the spot, and only by the quick actions of Lan Wang Ji was his soul saved. With the help of Baoshan Sanren, his soul was placed in the river of reincarnation where he stayed until it was the right time to be reborn. 

Wei Ying's Grandma (84 years old):

She was a very old woman who loved Wei Ying dearly. She knew that her time on earth was soon over and the only thing she was waiting for was the arrival of Wei Ying's soulmate. She always thought she would die without worries but that changed upon seeing the wrong person showing up. Unfortunately, she couldn't change anything as death knocked on her door.

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