A Hideaway in Mayfair

Start from the beginning

"Well, I don't see why not seeing as it's on our way home. But I think I'll carry on, I'm getting a bit tired. You two go on, and stay with each other" their mother warned.

"Are you sure? If you're not feeling well we could accompany you back home in case something happens" Lucy asked, worry evident in her face and voice.

"Don't be silly, dear, I'm fine. Anne will make sure I get home safely-" she motioned towards the lady's maid who had accompanied them on their trip, who smiled in return.

"You two go ahead, enjoy yourselves- and don't be back too late" Margaret replied, and then soon after they were saying their goodbyes as the girls headed off into the park while their mother carried on back to the house.

It was still a fine day, and the sun seemed to shine even brighter than it did that morning. The busy sounds of the city echoed into the park along with the chirpy sounds of birds flying around in the sky, and the air was crisp and sweet with the smell of flowers being carried throughout the park by a light breeze. Lucy and Eleanor wandered around the park, arm in arm, for about fifteen minutes simply chatting about different things. The situation with their father and his deteriorating mental state, and his treatment of other people around him was brought up briefly, but it was clear that Eleanor was uncomfortable talking about the situation so they moved on. They talked about their plans for the season- both of them making it clear to the other that they wanted to find love and not rush into anything without thinking. Eventually, they started talking about which of their friends they were going to pay a visit upon first. Before Eloise's name even passed Eleanor's lips, though, the two sisters heard a shout in the distance. What followed was something that sounded like someone was running on the gravel trail behind them. They looked at each other and giggled knowingly, and then turned around.

"Blackthornes! Ha, I knew it was you two" Eloise puffed. She approached the girls and hugged them both tightly.

"You didn't have to run, Eloise, we weren't walking terribly fast" Lucy joked.

"Sorry, I was simply overcome with excitement. I've been surrounded by members of the other- species- all morning" Eloise replied. The Bridgerton girl looked somewhat frazzled, with her hair messy and her dress a bit muddy at the hem. It was endearing, Lucy thought.

"Other species? Who have you been with?" Eleanor asked, slightly confused.

"Men. My brothers. I usually don't mind them but they're driving me especially mad today" Eloise replied nonchalantly.

"I.. don't see anyone else here Eloise- are you here alone?" Lucy replied, with a tone of surprise and concern. She scanned the area that Eloise had just sprinted across, seeing no Bridgerton boys.

"Oh, they're slower than snails, they'll catch up in a bit. Right then, we have a lot of catching up to do, ladies" Eloise said.

After a couple of minutes of general chatter, Eleanor and Eloise doing most of the talking, two familiar and tall figures approached us from the same direction Eloise emerged from- Colin and Benedict. As they neared the group of girls, Lucy couldn't help but notice that the older of the two men seemed especially more handsome than the last time she saw him. His skin seemed to glow and his chestnut brown hair was as vibrant as ever with spring sunshine lighting it up from behind his figure. His eyes were- wait, why was she thinking about his eyes? Why was she thinking of him at all in this manner? Lucy attempted to push away her intrusive and surprising thoughts. She had never even given a second thought to Benedict and his looks. She'd never given a second thought to any Bridgerton man regarding their looks. It was far too strange, considering how close their families had always been. She and Benedict had always gotten along, but he was a bit older than her so they weren't extremely close. Certainly not close enough for her to be daydreaming about his luscious hair and piercing eyes.

"Lady Lucy, Lady Eleanor, how wonderful it is to see you back in London after so long," Colin said, flashing his white teeth at the girls in a wide grin.

"We are rather glad to be back, Mr. Bridgerton" Lucy replied. They always began with formalities before slipping back into calling each other by their forenames, although it was always in a somewhat ironic manner.

"Perhaps you two and the rest of your family would join us for dinner? Everyone will be there- even the new Viscountess " Benedict added.

He looked at Lucy as he asked the question, but it was in a friendly manner. The same way he'd always spoken to and looked at her, no undertones of anything else. Well, why would there be anything else? Lucy thought to herself. She didn't know what brought on these sudden peculiar feelings, that she couldn't understand. They weren't anything strong, but they were there- in the back of her mind and lingering for some odd reason. The Blackthornes were residing in the countryside when the oldest Bridgerton, Anthony, got married. Lucy thought dinner would be the perfect opportunity to meet and get to get to know the latest addition to the Bridgerton brood. After all, she heard a lot about her through letters from Eloise and Daphne and wanted to meet the recently most praised woman of the Ton herself.

"I believe Mother and Father are quite exhausted from the carriage ride over here, but Ellie and I would be thrilled to accompany you. Henry would most definitely not turn down the invitation either" Lucy replied, politely.

"Splendid! We shall see the three of you later this evening" Benedict replied. Lucy felt an unfamiliar feeling in her stomach when he followed the end of his statement with a smile and a short bow. He and Colin bickered, albeit politely considering they were out in the open, with Eloise before eventually managing to get her to follow them home. As he walked away and disappeared into the distance, Lucy's mind became occupied with the thought of him. She couldn't wait to see his face again. Even though she would lay eyes on him in a short few hours, it seemed like an eternity to wait. The bizarre and curious thoughts only persevered in those hours.

Surely there was nothing wrong with merely admiring the Bridgerton boy, was there? 

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