Chapter 24 - The Acceptance of Mates

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“Arguing is more like it,” Susan said. “That’s what usually happens with Michael when he’s passionate about something. He can’t simply discuss it. Instead, he takes things personally. He lets his feelings get in the way and before you know it, it’s turned into an argument. It’s very hard to work anything through when you’re yelling at one another.”

“Do you believe they will manage to do so before we return?” Greg wondered as he opened the door to the restaurant for her.

Susan hesitated, catching his eye as she entered.

“I hope so, Greg, I really do. Because if they can’t, I’m going to have to get involved again … and I really don’t want to have anything to do with his new marriage. Rachelle is welcome to him, as far as I’m concerned,” Susan said fervently.

“Well that’s good to hear,” Greg said with a smile as he followed her in. “How about we let them handle it for now, and devote ourselves to enjoying our lunch.”

“I think that is a very good idea. Plus maybe afterwards, we can look into a bike rack.”


            Compared to their discussion with Michael and Rachelle that morning, the afternoon was relaxing and enjoyable for Greg and Susan. Lunch was good and the sporting goods store Michael recommended wasn’t all that far away. They didn’t buy anything, but they did collect information on the various types of bike racks available, deciding that visiting more than one store before buying anything might be in order. They returned to Michael’s house mid-afternoon to find the children had arrived just ahead of them.

            “Hi Mama!” Jessie came running to greet them as soon as Matt opened the front door.

            “Hi Jessie,” Susan said. “How was laser tag?”

            “It was fun! Matt, Zackary and me got to shoot Josh and Brianna. And they didn’t even get mad!” she said with a grin.

            “I’m glad you had fun,” Susan told her. “Was she good, Matt?”

            “She was okay. I had to help her with her gun though. I think it was sort of heavy for her,” Matt said.

“Thank you for watching her,” Susan told her son.

“It’s okay, Mom. Dad’s in the kitchen. He said to send you back there when you got here.”

            “Okay,” Susan said, and she started to head in the direction of the kitchen with Greg following her.

            “Not you Greg, just Mom. Dad wants to talk to her by himself,” Matt explained.

            Greg arched his brow at him.

            “Then perhaps you can tell me where Rachelle is?” Greg asked.

            Matt shrugged. “I dun know. I think she’s mad at Dad or something. She left pretty much the same time we got here.”

            Susan looked back at her husband and exchanged a look.

            “Go ahead, Susan. I’ll stay out here with Jessie and the boys,” Greg told her.

            Susan nodded and continued on down the short hall to the kitchen.


            “Hi,” Michael looked up as his ex-wife entered the room.

            “Hi Michael,” Susan said, regarding him warily. “You wanted to talk?”

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