Mixed Tag Team Match

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Today was Raw. And Gabrielle was gonna be in a tag team match with Dean Ambrose against Seth Rollins and Alicia Fox. Gabrielle has never been in a tag match with Dean as much as she wanted to but couldn't due to her injury. Now finally it was time. Gabrielle had gotten her make up done and her gear was on.
Gabrielle gear

She walking backstage to the ring for her match a camera following her in front

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

She walking backstage to the ring for her match a camera following her in front. Brock was in his locker room. He was watching Raw. He saw a clip of Gabrielle walking to the gorilla when Dean Ambrose appeared next to her walking to the ring. They looked at each other with a smirk on their faces before continuing to walk.

"And right there ladies and gentlemen is Dean Ambrose and Gabrielle walking to the ring for their tag team match against Seth Rollins and Alicia Fox" Cole said.

Soon Gabrielle and Dean weren't on the screen anymor but the commentators.

"You know Gabrielle has come a long way. She started as Gabby Rae at 15 year's old then years later after getting injured she comes back in healthy condition and changes her ring name Gabby Rae to Gabrielle" JBL said.

Paul watched the TV in utter shock. Soon Seth Rollins music hit and he came out with J&J security and Alicia Fox.

"The following match is a mixed tag team match introducing first accompanied by J&J security the team of Seth Rollins and Alicia Fox." Lilian said.

Seth and Alicia did their entrance before Seth music died down. Then Dean Ambrose music hit. Dean came out with Gabrielle right next to him.

"Their opponents the team of Dean Ambrose and Gabrielle" Lilian said before getting out the ring.

Both Dean and Gabrielle did their entrance before walking down to the ring. Once they got in Dean music died down. Both teams were in their corner. Gabrielle was gonna start off. The bell rang and Alicia and Gabrielle circled each other. Then they locked up. Alicia pushed Gabrielle into a corner. The ref began to count before pulling Alicia away. Alicia kicked Gabrielle in the stomach making Gabrielle hold her stomach. Alicia went back to Gabrielle. She grabbed Gabrielle by the hair. Gabrielle then got out of Alicia hold. Alicia began getting in Gabrielle face. Alicia then slapped Gabrielle in the face. Gabrielle started chuckling before she punched Alicia.

"What a punch to Alicia Fox" Cole said.

Gabrielle grabbed Alicia and delivered a snap suplex. Alicia held her back before running to her corner. Gabrielle smirked and walked to her corner and tagged Dean in. Dean smiled and got in the ring.

"Oh here we go Gabrielle tagged Ambrose in" JBL said.

Gabrielle got out the ring and stood outside. Seth came in the ring and looked at Ambrose before he and Dean circled each other and locked up. Gabrielle clapped her hands. Dean grabbed Seth and dragged him to the corner before kicking him in the stomach repeatedly. Gabrielle cheered. Dean moved away from Seth. He then ran back to Seth but was met by a kick to the face. Dean held his jaw.

~Time skip because I didn't know what to write~

Both Seth and Dean we're down. Gabrielle clapped her hands.

"Come on Dean" Gabrielle yelled at him.

She held her hand out to him. Dean held his hand out to Gabrielle trying to make it to the corner. Seth pulled Dean back to him but Dean moved away from him by kicking him. Dean then started moving to his corner and tagged in Gabrielle.

"Here comes Gabrielle" Cole said.

Gabrielle got inside the ring and speared Alicia Fox.

"Oh what a spear" JBL said.

Gabrielle began punching Alicia Fox. Alicia moved Gabrielle away from her. Alicia was pulled out of the ring by J&J security. Gabrielle then looked at the crowd before smiling and nodding. Dean then got in the ring and looked at Gabrielle and the crowd. Brock and Paul watched as Gabrielle and Dean ran to the ropes behind them and then to the ropes delivering a suicide dive.

 Brock and Paul watched as Gabrielle and Dean ran to the ropes behind them and then to the ropes delivering a suicide dive

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"What beautiful suicide dive by Gabrielle and Dean taking out Foxy and J&J security" Jerry said.

Gabrielle grabbed Alicia by the hair and dragged her into the ring. Alicia had her back turned to Gabrielle before turning around and meeting thorns bite. Gabrielle covered.


And Seth broke the count. Dean got into the ring and delivered dirty deeds. Seth rolled out the ring. Alicia made Dean turn around and she slapped him. Dean held his cheek before looking at Alicia and laughing as Gabrielle was right behind her with a angry look.

"Uh oh don't turn around Alicia" Cole said.

Alicia turned around and Gabrielle put Alicia on her shoulders. Gabrielle winked at the camera before delivering a Rose attack.

"Oh Rose attack and the cover" JBL said

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Oh Rose attack and the cover" JBL said.
The bella rang. Gabrielle smiled with her hands in the air.

"Here are your winners the team if Dean Ambrose and Gabrielle" Lilian announced.

Gabrielle stood up and turned around and was picked up by Dean spinning her around. Gabrielle was out down and Dean and Gabrielle raised their hands. Dean hugged Gabrielle.

"Let the mind games begin Ambrose" Gabrielle whispered.

Dean smiled at her nodding.

"Time for crazy Gabby to come out" Dean said.

Gabrielle smiled. They exited the ring. They walked up the ramp and backstage. The twins we're waiting for them.

"That was an awesome match" Brie said.

They all went to catering and sat down talking. Brock on the other hand was amused by the match. He wondered what would happen if he tried to get Gabrielle in a tag team match with him. It would be awesome because they would be a dominant tag team. But Dean Ambrose and Gabrielle? How would that look like?

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