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No One's POV

As Zana and his party get out of the gate. They stumble upon Naofumi, who is now looking down in dissapointment. Zana and his party then goes to him and greet him.

"Yo, Naofumi,why the long face?" I ask, concern.

"I cant use anything other than a shield, so now i am here stuck with a shield and this equipment." He said with a sad tone.

He look at Naofumi with a worried face.

"Dont worry, if you can be strong enough, you might get the skill to change your vitality for streangth." He said, making Naofumi feel better.

He then looked around him, but didnt saw the girl that with him. When he ask him, he said that she was going around looking for something to cheer him up.

(Meanwhile Somewhere)

??? Pov

"I see, another one has been detected, REIM!!" I called.

"Yes sir." The white haired man said, appearing behind me.

"Monitor this person." I said to my underling while giving him the mana flow i felt.

After doing that. He left my room, leaving me alone with this mountain of paperwork or should i say 'metalwork' just because im in hell.

I laid back on my chair while loosen up my hands and torso.

"Its been 500.000 years since all is gone, why does this has to happen to me...." i said to myself.

Zana's pov

After parting ways with naofumi. Me and my companions goes straight to the field to test my skills.

20 minutes of walking. We finally arrived infront of the gate. Quickly greet the guard and then just gone outside.

After leaving the gate. I found myself dumbfounded by the view. Its simple yet relaxing. I took a deep breath and let it out while streatching my body.

When i look back. I just found my companion face looking at me with curiosity. Silence comes to us, but soon break by the rustling from a nearby grass.

I looked at it for a minute and got jumpscare by a ball like thing. At first i wonder how it can actually move. And when it actually hit me, all i heard was a clang. When i look, there was a spark when the thing hit me and indicating a floating dmg number 0.

Im confused at first, but try poking it. Spoiler, it didnt survive.

'Well that was sad.'

I then told my companion to show me a field with no grass nearby which Lu lead me to it. At the field. i try to make a summoning circle, but was stop by the notification on my menu screen.

Creating a magic circle manually is consider a penalty.

After reading it. I then try to making it from my mental image. Once it ready. I got another notification on my screen.

Once the mental image is done, please pick a skill as a catalyst for the circle you have made.

Is what it said. At first i am confused, but i just follow what it said. After choosing skill to use, a big magic circle was formed infront of me and my companions. It is 50 meter in diameter and shine bright gold.

Then we saw something slowly appearing on top of the magic circle. Once it appeared fully. We saw a giant lizard like monster with a bright brown scale and is 20ft tall.

"Are you the one that summons me?" It said to me with a deep and grumpy voice.

I look at my companions before looking back at it and reply.

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